29. June 2023/Sebastien MSFS2020PREVIEW MM Simulations – EBLG Liège Airport MSFS Preview 3. November 2022/Sebastien MSFS2020 Sim Update 13 Beta – Release Notes [] 22. August 2023/Rob-PA7RM MSFS2020 FS2Crew for PMDG 777: Taking Realism to New Heights in Microsoft Flight Simu...
The P2006T Aircraft by Tecnam is an Innovative Twin Engine Aircraft at the Price of a Single Engine Aircraft. Find Out More Today.
and is produced in Capua, near Naples, Italy. The P2006T first flew in 2007 with its original steam gauge version, which FlightSim Studio chose to faithfully recreate in this version. The Tecnam P2006T is often used for flight training but can also carry a pilot and three passengers...
There are a few areas that need attention like the lighting (more tuning than working except for the none working internal roof light), and I am not crazy about the older analog panel metal textures. Some liveries would have been nice at that price and certainly would have...