P15A4故障码,适用于本田,讴歌,意思是空调压缩机驱动器-继电器卡在开启的状态(A/CCompressorDriver-RelayStaysActivated)。 提示:快速查找故障码,可以关;注;“车主指南”公;众;号;,回复故障代码,如:“P15A4”,即可获得对应故障码解释和解决方案。 背景知识:空调压缩机的作用是将制冷剂加压以帮助制冷剂通过冷凝器后...
Six, domestically imported screw air compressor air filter, oil and gas separation filter. 7. Specializing in the production of filter elements and filters for construction machinery, such as various types of loaders, road rollers, pavers, mixers and levelers. Adhering to the ...
P15A4故障码,适用于本田,讴歌,意思是空调压缩机驱动器 - 继电器卡在开启的状态(A/C Compressor Driver - Relay Stays Activated)。 提示:快速查找故障码,可以关注“有驾”公众号,回复故障代码,如:“P15A4”,即可获得对应故障码解释和解决方案。 背景知识:空调压缩机的作用是将制冷剂加压以帮助制冷剂通过冷凝器后...
压缩机(compressor),输送气体和提高气体压力的一种从动的流体机械。是制冷系统的心脏,它从吸气管吸入低温低压的制冷剂气体,通过电机运转带动活塞对其进行压缩后,向排气管排出高温高压的制冷剂气体,为制冷循环提供动力,从而实现压缩→冷凝→膨胀→蒸发 ( 吸热 ) 的制冷循环。压缩机一般由壳体、电动机、缸体、活塞、控制...
41285081/Tb1374X Leikst Air Compressor Dryer Filter for Heavy Duty Truck Parts 4324102227 4936049 3957728 3357113 Isde Engine Parts 3964688 5300890 5301094 US$4.80-6.00 / Piece K38 C Ummins Engine Parts 3626728 Piston Cooling Valve 3065803...
主营产品:代理泰康、谷仑等国际品牌全新压缩机,工业冷水机,CNC冷油机,激光冷水机,海鲜鱼池机,松下Panasonic compress,日立Hitachi compressor,三洋Sanyo compressor,东芝/美芝Toshiba compres,谷轮Copeland compresso,泰康Tecumseh compresso,大金Daikin compressor,百福马Performer compres,美优乐Maeurope compress,三菱Mitsubishi...
41285081/Tb1374X Leikst Air Compressor Dryer Filter for Heavy Duty Truck Parts 4324102227 4936049 3957728 3357113 Isde Engine Parts 3964688 5300890 5301094 US$4.80-6.00 / Piece 4087997 161-5719 C15 Diesel Engine ...
Since this machine is equipped with the oil-free compressor,in order to prolong its lifespan, we suggest to maintain carefully and regularly. 5.11Internal pipes Toensure the unit work normally,please drain the condensed water accumulated in the pipes regularly(usually twice a week).The drain...
Hydraulic Variable Piston/Tractor/Charger/Double Gear /Electric /Vane/Power /Air/Oil/High Pressure/Compressor/Test Bench/Dump Truck OEM A4vg175 Pumps US$498.00-599.00 / Piece Wheel Loader Wa250-1 Wa250-1LC 7...
PURPOSE: To enable starting a second compressor and subsequent ones in a condition of small starting load, keep the supplied air from varying in temperature, and at all times ensure comfortableness of the air conditioning and reliability of the compressors relating to an air conditioner for a num...