Van Maerken T, Vandesompele J, Rihani A, De Paepe A, Speleman F (2009) Escape from p53-mediated tumor surveillance in neuroblastoma: Switching off the p14ARF-MDM2-p53 axis . Cell Death Diff 16 : 1563–1572. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2009.138...
观察燃煤污染型地方性砷中毒患者皮肤组织突变型P53(P53mt)蛋白及其下游基因 P14 、MDM2蛋白的表达水平,为揭示砷致皮肤损害的分子机制提供依据。方法 以自愿手术治疗的60例燃 煤污染型地方性砷中毒患者作为观察对象,依据皮肤病理学诊断分为一般皮肤病变组(35例)、癌前病变组(19 ...
HCVC蛋白、p53、Mdm2、p14和p21在原发性肝癌中的表达及相关性 张志培,程庆书,黄立军。,徐 供。,王文勇,王小平 ExpressionofHCVcore,p53,Mdm2,p14ARandp21w^/c’ proteinsinHCCandtheir correlation ZHANGZhi—pei,CHENGQing—shu,HUANGLi—jnil。,XUHong,WANGWen—yong,WANGXiao一 ...
脑胶质瘤中p14 ARF、MDM2及p53的表达及其意义
Mdm2 has been shown to promote its own ubiquitination and the ubiquitination of the p53 tumour suppressor by virtue of its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. This modification targets Mdm2 and p53 for degradation by the proteasome. The p14ARF tumour suppresso
Regulation of the p14 ARF-Mdm2-p53pathway: an overview in breast cancer. Exp Mol Pathol. 2006; 81 :115–22.Agrawal A, Yang J, Murphy RF, Agrawal DK (2006) Regulation of the p14ARF-Mdm2-p53 pathway: an overview in breast cancer . Experimental and molecular pathology 81 : 115–122 [ ...
p14 ARF、mdm2、p53蛋白在鼻咽癌中表达的研究 维普资讯