把它直接做掉,就代码层面上就能去掉矿卡不认驱动这个限制了(编解码驱动限制不在这里,在别的地方,RM啥啥啥的我到现在也没看太懂,有懂哥可以评论区交流一下) 把512.78_grid_win10_win11_server2016_server2019_server2022_64bit_international\Display.Driver\ 目录下面的全部sys还有dll都撸一次就行 人工是不可能...
Unable to modify the strings to use a zotac p106-090 3gb i have a triangle of driver error and i cant seem able to make this work , can you post a modified inf for p106 90Owner iiiyx commented May 29, 2019 • edited Download the original driver https://www.guru3d.com/files-...
Driver version 446.14 (exactly this version). The first three symbols of Device ID for both cards must match. Go to Windows Device Manager → Right-click on device → Properties → Switch to the "Details" tab → Select "Hardware IDs" from the combo box. As an example: NVIDIA_DEV.1185.09...
2022 年 9 月 4 日:我更改了 nvidia 内核驱动程序 417.35,466.77,512.15 以支持所有 DirectX 功能,例如 p106-090 和 p106-100 等矿卡的 RayTracing。我的下一个目标是让这些卡与 pci-e 3.0 版一起工作。通过在 Windows 内核调试模式下反汇编代码,我知道在哪里可以找到诸如 pcilinkSpeed=1000 之类的变量。
NVIDIA_DEV.1C09 = "NVIDIA P106-090" 3)替换掉英伟达显卡驱动安装包下:\Display.Driver 目录下面的 'nv_dispi.inf' 和 'nvaci.inf' 4.电脑环境设置: 1)右键单击“此电脑”——属性——左侧“高级系统设置”——硬件——设备安装设 置,把自动下载改成否: ...
把512.78_grid_win10_win11_server2016_server2019_server2022_64bit_international\Display.Driver\ 目录下面的全部sys还有dll都撸一次就行 人工是不可能人工的 这里写一个golang小程序干这事情 packagemainimport("context""encoding/hex""github.com/gogf/gf/v2/frame/g""...
Driver version 446.14 (exactly this version). The first three symbols of Device ID for both cards must match. Go to Windows Device Manager → Right-click on device → Properties → Switch to the "Details" tab → Select "Hardware IDs" from the combo box. ...
Driver version 446.14 (exactly this version). The first three symbols of Device ID for both cards must match. Go to Windows Device Manager → Right-click on device → Properties → Switch to the "Details" tab → Select "Hardware IDs" from the combo box. ...