电子控制单元(ECU)通过监控变速器控制模块(TCU)计算的变矩器打滑率来确认实际档位是否正常。如果实际档位高于TCU预设的档位,滑移率将超出正常范围,这就触发了这个DTC(Diagnostic Trouble Code)的出现。车辆出现故障后,首要步骤是进行故障排除。清除故障码是一项重要任务,但必须严格按照对应车型的特定...
The operating circuit 21 adds a code, corresponding to the detected polarity to a digital output value of each rectifying circuit 15a after A/D conversion. Since the object to be A/D converted has a pulse waveform, a step width per bit can be small, consequentially enhancing resolution. An...