... 系之基桩侧向荷重-变位曲 线 (p-y curve)法,配合弹性基础梁理论及电脑数值解析,可同时分析群 ...ja.scribd.com|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,线 更多例句筛选 1. Research on P-Y Curve of Laterally Bearing Piles under Large Displacement 对大变位条件下横向受力桩P-Y曲线的研究 www.ilib.cn ...
1)p-y curvesp-y曲线 1.Nonlinear finite element analysis of piles under lateral load based on P-Y curves;基于P-Y曲线法的水平受荷桩非线性有限元分析 2.Experimental research on silt p-y curves粉土p-y曲线的试验研究 3.Based on the experimental results,the p-y curves of soft clay for static...
在此基础上提出了p-y曲线法研究和应用中需要改进或加强的建议,即深入研究桩周土极限抗力确定方法以提高p-y曲线法精度;研究和编制p-y曲线法通用程序以推广其工程应用;深入研究工程实践中急需的大直径桩和群桩p-y曲线。 Though the p-y curve method has been increasingly considered as a rational method for...
海上风电;桩土作用;p-y曲线;数值模拟 Suitability of p-y Curve on Pile-soil Interaction Analysis for Offshore Wind Turbine Li WeiChen FaboLu Na Huan Caiyun Zhu BinbinZhao Chaozhi TK81 O242.1A0559-9342 2011 10-0096-04 2011-05-04 基金项目:中国水电顾问集团华东勘测设计研究院院立项课 题海上风...
结果表 明,规范给出的P—Y曲线用于海上风电大直径钢管桩桩一土仿真分析误差较大。 关键词 :海上风电;桩土作用 ;P—Y曲线 ;数值模拟 Smmb~ ofP—YCurveOilPile—soilInteractionAnalysisforOffshoreWiIldTurbine LiWei,ChenFabo,LuNa,HnanCaiyun,ZhuBinbin,ZhaoChaozhi (HydroChinaHuadongEngineeringCorporation,...
关键词:斜桩;极限土抗力;p-y曲线法;水平承载特性 中图分类号:TU443文献标识码:A Ap-ycurvemethodforhorizontalbearingcharacteristicsof singlebatterpileinsands LINGDao-sheng 1,2 ,RENTao 1,2 ,WANGYun-gang 3 (1.KeyLaboratoryofSoftSoilsandGeoenvironmentalEngineeringofMinistryofEducation,ZhejiangUniversity,Hangzh...
The comparisons between the calculated results base on the p-y curve proposed herein,the model test results in this paper and the centrifuge model tests reported in documents demonstrated that the p-y curve proposed for laterally loaded batter piles was reasonable and can be used to describe the...
Key words: p-y curve method; horizontal load; p- ; direction of soil resistance; mathematical programming 0 引 言 三维单桩变形计算主要用于桩顶受多个方向荷载的复杂工况。以海上风机为例,由于海上风浪条件复杂,传递给基础和塔架的荷载在 6 个自由度上均有分布,因此在桩顶第一个节点上实际存在 6 ...
AnalysisonResearchSituationandExistingIssuesofp-yCurve 路基工程 SubgradeEngineering 2012年第2期(总第161期) P—Y曲线法研究现状及存在的问题分析 胡伟,毛明浩,李光范 . (1.海南大学土木建筑工程学院,海口 570228;2.中建三局建设工程股份有限公司,广东深圳 518048) 摘要:对于承受水平荷载作用桩基的设计与计算,我国...
Keywords:laterallyloadedpile;softclay;p–ycurve;stress-strainrelationship;strainpathapproach 0引言 单桩在承受水平荷载作用下的受力特性是岩土工 程中的一项传统课题。线弹性分析和非线性分析是该 课题较为常见的两个分支,其中线弹性简化分析方法 以Poulos 等 [1] 、Randolph [2] 、Banerjee 等 [3] 最具代表...