I cannot connect Brother Label Printer QL-700 with macOS Monterey 12.6 I plugged in the label printer QL 700 with their USB to my Mac. I downloaded P-touch Editor from the AppStore. I went to Brother Downloads page (https://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadlist.aspx?c=us_ot&lang=en&...
Update: We were able to successfully get our Brother QL-700 working with Windows10. There were two main steps. 1) In order to install the following Brother program, ensure that the Status lamp is lit Green and the Editor Lite lamp is off 2) Find a small update program by Brother call...
普贴趣QL-700 参考价格:¥1500 价格仅供参考,请以当地实际销售产品价格为准。 商家名称 合作年限 联系方式 所在地 同品牌最热机型 普贴趣PT-2700 ¥1780 普贴趣 PT-D200 ¥499 普贴趣QL-570 ¥1380 普贴趣PT-2420PC ¥990 普贴趣PT-1280 ¥460...