无需安装驱动即可通过P-touch Editor Lite编辑、打印。 1、暂时使用其他电脑(Win7或Vista)连接打印机电缆线并打开机器电源。 请确保该电脑上已安装了打印机驱动程序。 2、登录“兄弟官网”,下载“P-touch Editor Lite更新工具”。 http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public/CountryTop.aspx?reg=as&c=cn&...
若要使用 P-touch Editor Lite 创建标签,请按照以下步骤操作: 开启P-touch 标签打印机 (1), 然后按住 Editor Lite 按钮直到绿色的 Editor Lite 指示灯点亮 (2)。 用USB 数据线连接P-touch 标签打印机和计算机。 如果通过 USB 集线器连接 P-touch 标签打印机,可能会无法正确检测。 当打印机连接到您的计算机...
You will now be able to select it as a printer from the P-Touch Editor app. Apparently, it was originally designed to work without installing software, by simply pressing the p-lite button. That function died with OS updates. Turning off that function allows the printer to work again with...
(P-touch Editor Lite LAN)打开P-touch Editor Lite LAN软件。 点击P-touch Editor Lite LAN软件右上角菜单按钮。 选择Tools](工具) - [Options](选项)。 出现Options(选项) 对话框。选择P-touch Editor Lite LAN 语言。 重启软件,所选语言将被应用到该软件中。您的问题未被解答时,是否查看过其它常见问...
P-Touch Editor 5.0的序号打印功能适用于制作一系列连续的字母或数字标签。选择需要序号编辑的部分,并设置好需要连续打印标签的数目即可,具体操作方式如下:一、输入相应的文本:点击A(Text)按钮,输入“file 001”并选中“001”(序号编辑部分)二、设置好序号编辑区域:选择 格式[Format] - 序号[...
It's never been easier to print high-quality labels and barcodes than it is with the Brother PT-1230PC. The P-touch Editor Lite software is built directly into the printer, so there's no software to install on your computer. Print graphics and text exactly how it appears on your monito...
1) In order to install the following Brother program, ensure that the Status lamp is lit Green and the Editor Lite lamp is off 2) Find a small update program by Brother called (PtUpdater) - this collects all of the updates necessary including the critical update of the firmware for the ...