For measurement of in vivo protein synthesis, the entire nitrocellulose membrane was incubated with anti-puromycin antibody. Puromycin signals from the entire lane of western blots demonstrate protein synthesis activity in this particular sample, which were quantified by ImageJ software and indicated at ...
KKX-59270M 小鼠汉坦病毒抗体(HV-Ab)elisa试剂盒 Mouse Hantaan virus antibody elisa kit HV-Ab KKX-57667M 小鼠肉毒碱棕榈酸转移酶(CPT)elisa试剂盒 Mouse Carnitine Palmitate Transferase elisa kit CPT KKX-56789M 小鼠心肌型肌酸激酶同工酶MB(CK-MB)elisa试剂盒 Mouse Creatine Kinase MB isoenzyme elisa...