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p-hydroxybenzyl-alcohol网络对羟基苯甲醇;硫酸丁酚胺;对羟基甲醇网络释义 1. 对羟基苯甲醇 ...尚分离出天麻素(即天麻甙, Gastrodin)、对羟基苯甲醇(p-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol)、β-谷甾醇(β-Sitosterol)、胡萝卜 …baike.baidu.com|基于58个网页 2. 硫酸丁酚胺 国药集团化学试剂有限公司... ... 3-Methoxysa...
查找完整的茯苓(P-Hydroxybenzyl Alcohol)化学信息?药智数据提供CAS号、分子式、分子量、结构式、SMILES分子结构以及AI活性预测等全面的数据。药智数据准确可靠,是您科研和药学研究的理想参考数据平台。
p-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol prevents brain injury and behavioral impair- ment by activating Nrf2, PDI, and neurotrophic factor genes in a rat model of brain ischemia. Mol Cells 2011;31:209-15.Kam KY, Yu SJ, Jeong N et al (2011) P-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol prevents brain injury and behavioral ...
英文别名4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol | 623-05-2 | 4-(Hydroxymethyl)phenol | p-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol | p-Methylolphenol | 4-Methylolphenol | 4-Hydroxybenzenemethanol | Benzenemethanol, 4-hydroxy- | 4-Hydroxybenzylalcohol | p-(Hydroxymethyl)phenol | Benzyl alcohol, p-hydroxy- | Gastrodigenin ...
A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the separation and determination of gastrodin, p -hydroxybenzyl alcohol, vanillyl alcohol, p -hydroxylbenzaldehyde and vanillin in extract of Chinese herbal medicine tall gastrodia tuber (Chinese name: Tianma) was established. The chromatographic condition...
ChemicalBook 为您提供p-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol 623-05-2|对羟基苯甲醇 623-05-2的供应商,生产企业,生产厂家。
A nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-linked p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity was demonstrated in cells of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila M402 grown on p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol as a major carbon source under anaerobic-light conditions. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity on polyacrylamide gel ...
英文名称:4-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol 分子式:C7H8O2=124.14 纯度:99% 产地:上海 包装规格:25KG 品牌:博飞美科 货号:CLS-57042-25KG CAS编号:623-05-2 别名:对羟基苯甲醇;4-羟基苯甲醇;对羟基苄醇;4-羟基苄醇,98+%;4-羟基苄醇;对羟基苄醇;4-羟基苄醇,99%;对羟基苯甲醇(对羟基苄醇) ...
At present,the synthetic methods of p-hydroxyphenylethyl alcohol are not suitable for large-scale industrial application due to the long synthetic route,low overall yield,rigorous reaction conditions and high cost. 对羟基苯乙醇是一种重要的医药中间体,但目前的合成方法存在着成本高、难以工业化等不足。