on a smooth rigid analytic variety X over a p-adic field to the category of vector bundles with an integrable connection on its “base change to {\mathrm {B}}_{{\text {dR}}}”, which can be regarded as a first step towards the sought-after p-adic Riemann–Hilbert correspondence. As...
(注意connection要flat/integral,否则不是链复形)特别地,在结构层OX上取典范的differential的时候恢复到古典的de Rham同调定义,即hyper-cohomology of the de Rham complex (associated to(OX,d)). 更一般地,摘自CLASSICAL MOTIVATION FOR THE RIEMANN–HILBERT CORRESPONDENCE, BRIAN CONRAD === 小背景: 这次这个讨...
这个结果基本上就是Abel-Jacobi theory的现代形象. 当然你说Riemann-Hilbert correspondence的一个版本也没...
deriveddeRhamcohomologyh-topologyThe article considers another construction of the p-adic period map using the de Rham cohomology of Illusie and de Jong's alterations in a bid to understand the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence in this setting. Information on the derived de Rham algebra is provided,...
09 A new explicit bound for the Riemann zeta function 52:30 An explicit error term in the prime number theorem for large x 35:49 An invitation to the algebraic geometry over idempotent semirings - Lecture 1 1:29:28 An invitation to the algebraic geometry over idempotent semirings - lecture ...
Riemann conjecture. We will propose here the physical dynamical model that furnishes , in prin- ciple, once a solution of the quantum inverse scattering problem exists, the sought-after Hilbert-Polya operator which yields the zeroes of zeta . If a so- lution to this quantum inverse scattering ...
Riemann-Hilbert-correspondenceBerkovich analytic spaceParallel transport14H3014H6014H7014G2211G20We relate two different partial p-adic analogues of the classical Riemann-Hilbert correspondence on curves. The first one comes from Deninger-Werner and Faltings and is of algebraic nature. The second...
Part II: renormalization, the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence, and motivic Galois theory, in: Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry, vol. II, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp. 617–713] on the Galois interpretation of the renormalization group....
这个结果基本上就是Abel-Jacobi theory的现代形象. 当然你说Riemann-Hilbert correspondence的一个版本也没啥, 虽然大家不怎么这么叫.这个结果有若干的推广方向, 首要就是将线丛推广为向量丛(甚至是凝聚层).这个时候, 就是著名的Narasimhan-Seshadri correspondence. (技术性原因导致需要亏格g≥2). 并且, 其实flat可以...
Faltings当初搞p-adic Simpson correspondence是为了更好的描述Higgs bundles的所有(continuous)p-adic ...