, p-adic automorphic forms on Shimura varieties, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer- Verlag, New York, 2004.R. P. Langlands, A review of Haruzo Hida's p-adic automorphic forms on Shimura varieties, Bulletin (New Series) of the A.M.S. 44(2), 2007, 291-308....
The four elements form a square, motives on the upper right-hand side of the diagram, automorphic representations on the upper left, the leaves \mathfrac{G}_p of the p-adic representations on the lower right, and the fourth as yet only partly defined element \mathfrak{H}_p on the lowe...
p-Adic Automorphic Forms on Shimura Varieties This book covers the following three topics in a manner accessible to graduate students who have an understanding of algebraic number theory and scheme theoretic algebraic geometry:1. An elementary construction of Shimura varieties as mo... H Hida - 《...
We prove results on local-global compatibility in non-critical case by using global triangulation theory. We also study the p-adic modular forms over unitary Shimura curves, from which we construct some closed rigid subspaces of X by ... Y Ding - 《Université Paris Sud Paris XI》 被引量:...
Automorphic Forms, Shimura Varieties, and L-Functions, vol. I, pp. 283-414. Ann Arbor, MI (1988). Perspect. Math., vol. 10. Academic Press, Boston (1990) Milne, J.: Introduction to Shimura varieties. Harmonic analysis, the trace formula and shimura varieties. Clay Math. Proc. 4, ...
In: School on Automorphic Forms on [Math Processing Error]GL(n), ICTP Lecture Notes, vol. 21, pp. 237–320. Trieste (2008) Zelevinsky, A.V.: Induced representations of reductive [Math Processing Error]p-adic groups II. On irreducible representations of O. Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Super....
On recursive properties of certain p-adic Whittaker functions. submitted for publication - Hörmann - 1010 () Citation Context ...ghts are computed w.r.t. the associated arithmetic automorphic line bundle (10.4) Ξ ∗ E on M( K ∆ O(LZ)). For a more detailed introduction to the ...
We formulate and prove certain vanishing theorems for p -adic automorphic forms on unitary groups of arbitrary signature. The p -adic q -expansion principle for p -adic modular forms on the Igusa tower says that if the coefficients of (sufficiently many of) the q -expansions of a p -adic...
Verifying the set of conditions on sections of automorphic vector bundles of a given (projective) Shimura variety of PEL type, we prove the vertical control theorem for automorphic forms on the Shimura varieties. We also state a similar result for quasi-projective Shimura varieties of quasi-split...