Ce pack comprend: P-61-A11 Black Widow (Rang 6 US); Compte Premium de 15 jours. Comme tous les vehicules Premium, le Greek AH-64A Apache vous permettra de gagner davantage de points de recherche et de Silver Lions pour chaque bataille et il est equipe de toutes les modifications disponi...
Questo pacchetto include: P-61-A11 Black Widow (Classificato 6, US); Account Premuim per 15 giorni. Tutti i veicoli Premium ti permettono di ottenere più PR e Lions in ogni battaglia. Sono dotati di tutti i potenziamenti disponibili. Con l’account Premium (acquistabile in-game in cambio...
官网原文:http://warthunder.com/en/devblog/current/869---1.57 目前的其他开发日志:KV-1S :http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4361611310T-44-100:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4347677327Do 335http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4345158670Falcon AAhttp://tieba.baidu.com/p/4350688934Fw.189A-1http://tieba.baidu.co...
实验软件: WarThunder(真实性能模式) 实验步骤如下: 1、使用飞机100%发动机功率输出进行不同高度的稳态飞行。 2、飞行高度以每1000米海拔高度为数据记录点位。 3、根据飞行数据绘制速度/高度特性图。 4、根据图表分析飞机空气动力学特性。 在飞机无挂载、满油、800发机炮备弹的情况下测得如下数据 由图中数据可以看...
ThunderscreechEngineering 7.0 years ago Paper 7.0 years ago Mostly 7.0 years ago General Characteristics Created On Windows Wingspan 50.9ft (15.5m) Length 41.2ft (12.5m) Height 13.7ft (4.2m) Empty Weight 13,350lbs (6,055kg) Loaded Weight 19,226lbs (8,720kg) Performance Horse...
CREDITS: War Thunder for the original model and the War thunder community for providing some liveries. I only rigged this plane and made adjustments for gauges and such I didnt build this one. EXTRA CREDITS: Thank you to my friend Elope for providing me with the model to convert. ...
p61c的少女前线404小队涂装,希望你喜欢 WT Live // Camouflage by DD_Type_ha #warthunder #live_wt #workshop #anime #game #girlsfrontline #HK416 #G11 #UMP45 #ump9 #P61 #P61C It is the tenth of the decoration plan to start from low rank. 低ランクから始めるデコレーション計画の第...
2020年最新整理:人教版高中英语单词表 热度: [整理版]新目标最新七年级上册英语单词表默写 热度: -1- 必修1 Unit1 △surveyn.调查;测验 addup 合计 upsetadj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.(upset,upset)使不安;使心烦 ignorevt. 不理睬;忽视
扩展手套手套Hellmouth-WarGauntlets 精华手套手套Dracul'sGrasp-VampireboneGloves 精华手套手套SoulDrainer-Vambraces 精华手套手套Steelrend-OgreGauntlets 普通头盔头盔Biggin'sBonnet-Cap 普通头盔头盔Tarnhelm-SkullCap 普通头盔头盔CoifofGlory-Helm 普通头盔头盔Duskdeep-FullHelm ...
War weary aircraft at the Wheeler Field graveyard (Waieli Gulch airstrip), Oahu, Hawaii, 4 Apr 1945. Photo 2 of 2. P-61 Black Widow and P-47 Thunderbolt aircraft at Kagman Airfield, Saipan, Mariana Islands, 24 Jun 1945 P-61 Black Widow aircraft at rest in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, ...