全称 P-40E Kittyhawk 初始星级 所属学联 星尘联邦 学院 寇蒂斯-莱特学院 类型 轻型兵种 战斗机 获取方式 改造 P-40E 小鹰 画师:青空Kamiya 声优:野水伊织 DOLLS资料 在增设了机翼机枪后,火力得到了相应的上升,爱称变成了「小鹰」。 DOLLS精锐化 属性加成 生命值对地火力对空火力装甲机动命中贯通幸运...
Warbird Roundup 2013 - Sporting "18" for the Reno Air Races. NX94466. Curtiss P-40E Kittyhawk. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
品牌: Ventura Publications 标题: RNZAF Curtiss P-40E’s, Home Based 数量: V3295 比例: 1:32 类型: 水贴套装 发布: 2024 新模具 主题: Curtiss P-40 Warhawk » 螺旋桨 (飞机) 水贴 Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Curtiss P-40E Kittyhawk Mk.I ...
It was called the Kittyhawk by the Soviets and the British, but the Americans dubbed it the Warhawk. Regardless of the name, the P-40 was the most mass-produced fighter by the US during WWII with many being used by the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease Act.In the game, you can fly...
NATOSS109 吧主 14 看见kittyhawk我就肝颤 收起回复 来自Android客户端7楼2019-04-06 00:26 mb19910222 小改怡情 8 涂装不错,有空做一个72的! 回复 8楼2019-04-06 16:37 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示12...
The P-40E-1 (USSR) is a premium Soviet fighter. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27.
The P-40 kittyhawk just towed into the hanger of Fighter world museum, and this kittyhawk was a special display to celebrate 30th birthday of Fighter world museum and 80th birthday of RAAF base Williamtown.[1600px]. VH-KTY. Curtiss P-40E Kittyhawk. JetP