In addition, ECGs that were considered to be of low quality were also removed. Preoperative 12-lead ECGs were examined and the PTFV1 measured. Secondarily, we examined the P-wave length in lead II, the area under the P-wave in lead II, PR-interval, and QRS duration in lead V1 and ...
Ensure that the device is installed, used, and operated according to the guidelines outlined in this document. Deviations from the guidelines may lead to device damage, property damage, personal injury, or even death. The device manufacturer and the importer ...
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Comedy·Seth Rogen dives into the wild chaos of Hollywood in this all-star satire. Stream now Thriller·There’s more to work than life. Stream now Crime·No one gets away clean. Stream now Mystery·Who do you trust when you can’t trust yourself?
货号:Sigma-11573 氯化铅 Lead(II) Chloride (≥98%) 100G 英文名称:Sigma-Aldrich, Fluka 保质期:10年 个月 保存条件:低温 Sigma-Aldrich 是*的生命科学与高科技集团公司。我们的产品被广泛地应用于生命科学、有机化学、材料科学、分析化学与其他高科技的研发及生产。我们的用户遍及生命科学公司、大学与政府研究...
本田LEAD125 目前售价16800 因为这两款车的价格一致,所以就不存在预算决定选择的说法,主要还是看它们的具体表现。 1.外观方面,这两款车所设定的风格是完全不一样的,光阳New Many125有非常明显的复古元素。它很大程度上还是在借鉴欧系车型的风格打造自己,而LEAD125则没有这么多的花花肠子,它至始至终就是一款比较朴...
据小易智创不可错过的AI创业项目)观察:雅诗兰黛公司(Estée Lauder Companies,简称ELC)近期宣布与科技巨头OpenAI达成战略合作,旨在利用前沿的人工智能(AI)技术为旗下众多知名品牌提供深度洞察。这一令【小易智创】Agent K v1.0:颠覆数据科学的智能体据小易智创不可错过的AI创业项目)观察:...
英文名称:LEAD(II) OXIDE PURISS. P.A., ≥99.0% (KT), YELLOW 英文同义词:LEAD(II) OXIDE PURISS. P.A., ≥99.0% (KT), YELLOW CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: Mol文件:Mol File LEAD(II) OXIDE PURISS. P.A., ≥99.0% (KT), YELLOW 信息错误报告 ...
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