The conductivity of p-type is almost less to the n-type semiconductor. The existing electrons within the conduction band of the n-type semiconductor are more variable when compare to holes in the valence band of a p-type semiconductor. The hole’s mobility is less when they are more bound ...
受体掺杂后的半导体称为p型半导体(p-type semiconductor),p代表带正电荷的电洞。 以一个硅的本质半导体来说明掺杂的影响。硅有四个价电子,常用于硅的掺杂物有三价与五价的元素。当只有三个价电子的三价元素如硼(boron)掺杂至硅半导体中时,硼扮演的即是受体的角色,掺杂了硼的硅半导体就是p型半导体。反过来说,...
p type semiconductor p 型半导体p well diffusion p 阱形成扩散p well mask p 阱形成掩膜p+ guard ring p+ 型保护环pack 部件pack carrier television station 便携式电视发射机package 外壳package assembly 外壳组装package base 外壳基座package closure 管壳密封package header 外壳基座package inductance 管壳电感...
p n junctionrectification7p n 结型整流 p type conduction p 型导电性 p typediffusion8p 型扩散 p type dopant p 型掺杂剂 p type doping p 型掺杂 p type semiconductor p 型半导体 p well diffusion p 阱形成扩散 p well mask p 阱形成掩膜 p+ guard ring p+ 型保护环 pack 部件 pack carrier tel...
p type semiconductor p 型半导体 p well diffusion p 阱形成扩散 p well mask p 阱形成掩膜 p+ guard ring p+ 型保护环 pack 部件 pack carrier television station 便携式电视发射机 package 外壳 package assembly 外壳组装 package base 外壳基座
: The conventional nitride semiconductor, on which P-type impurities only are doped, and the nitride semiconductor, on which P-type impurities and oxygen are simultaneously doped, are changed to low resistance P-type by annealing, and the comparison of this change is indicated in the diagram. ...
The P-type semiconductor can be defined as, once the trivalent impurity atoms such as indium, gallium are added to an intrinsic semiconductor, and then it is known as a p-type semiconductor. In this semiconductor, the majority charge carriers are holes whereas minority charge carriers are electr...
Most of the recently discovered layered materials such as MoS2 or MoSe2 are n-type, while few materials, such as phosphorene, which suffers from rapid oxidation, are p-type. To form devices such as p–n junctions and heterojunctions, new p-type mono-/few-layers are needed. Here, we repo...
p-toluenesulfonamide p-trap p-trimethoxysilylstyr p-type semiconductor p-vinylbenzamide p-vinyltoluene p-xylyenediaminepolya p-xylylene pce pyrophyllite p hr parts per hundre pipounds per inch pl pipe line p parviflora sieb et pstratiotes l waterle pt ptd dipentamethylene pu per unit pvc pvamp...