tape [teɪp] n. 磁带;录音带 tape recorder [teɪp rɪˈkɔːdə(r)] n. 磁带录音机 target [ˈtɑːɡɪt] n./ v. 目标, 把…作为攻击目标 task [tɑːsk; (US) tæsk] n. 任务, 工作 taste [teɪst] n. 品尝, 尝味;味道 vt. 品尝, 尝味 tasteless [ˈ...
(自来水煤气等的)龙头 tape [tep] n. 磁带;录音带 tape recorder [tep rkd(r)] n. 磁带录音机 target [tɑɡt] n./ v. 目标,把…作为攻击目标 task [tɑsk; (US) tsk] n. 任务, 工作 taste [test] n. 品尝, 尝味;味道 vt. 品尝, 尝味 tasteless [testls] a. 无滋味的 tast...
LabelMore is where you can find Brother P-touch Tape Refills for TZe TZ HSe HGe and Compatible p-touch tapes for your Brother label maker. Our products ship the same day and have 12 month warranty. We also carry Dymo labels, Seiko printer labels and Ca
Shop for Genuine Brother P-touch Tapes and Label Makers, TZe Tapes, Dymo Labels, Seiko labels, Casio Label-it and other top label printers at low prices from PtouchDirect.
LabelMore is where you can find Brother P-touch Tape Refills for TZe TZ HSe HGe and Compatible p-touch tapes for your Brother label maker. Our products ship the same day and have 12 month warranty. We also carry Dymo labels, Seiko printer labels and Ca
~1/2" White Print on Berry Pink label tape View Details $13.49 (2) 4.0 out of 5 stars. 2 reviews Where to Buy $29.99 (1) 1.0 out of 5 stars. 1 review Where to Buy $24.49 (0) 0.0 out of 5 stars. VIEW MORE Promotions
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please stand over the please stay in touch please step forward please take care of t please take some refr please talk to me please tell me baby h please tell the dj sl please tell interests please tian system please type in the nu please unidentified o please untie that lin please use...
touch vt. 触摸,接触 tough a. 坚硬的;结实的;棘手的,难解的 tour n. 参观, 观光, 旅行 tourism n. 旅游业; 观光 tourist n. 旅行者,观光者 toward(s) prep. 向,朝,对于 towel n. 毛巾 tower n. 塔 town n. 城镇,城 toy n. 玩具, 玩物 track n. 轨道; 田径 tractor n. 拖拉机 trade n....
You can often find her sitting at the kitchen table, listening to “Magic Treehouse” books on tape, doodling cards for her friends. She’s mastered writing most of her letters and loves to help me write “to-do” lists. Favorite Colors: Red and Pink. Favorite Foods: “Flat Cheese ...