The P-touch PT-P700 is an easy-to-use label maker that connects via the included USB cable to nearly any computer in your office1. It’s perfect for multi-user offices looking for simple connectivity and the ability to quickly create a wide variety of professional labels using a full-size...
4 Enhanced features available only for PC version of P-touch Editor software. Compare with similar products Products Currently viewing Brother P-touch PT-P700 PC-Connectable Label Printer for PC and Mac, Thermal Transfer, 180 x 360 dpi, 30mm./sec, Up to 4 Print Lines, Auto Cutter, Barcode...
p-touch兄弟银行档案管理标签机PT-P700 深圳市鸿标电子科技有限公司 蔡晓虹 0755-83986071 brother兄弟的PT-2430PC(停产)PT-P700为升级版,增加了对Mac的支持,使用兄弟TZ-e全系列色带,有覆膜层,具有耐磨损、耐腐蚀、耐高温、不易褪色等诸多特性,打印出来的标签可以持久保持美观。标签宽度支持3.5mm~24mm,一张标签Zu...
Brother P-Touch PT-P700 Desktop Label Printer (PTP700) 143 $79.99 Selected Brother P-touch TZe-131 Laminated Label Maker Tape, 1/2" x 26-2/10', Black on Clear (TZe-131) 3013 $21.29 Selected Brother P-touch TZe-231 Laminated Label Maker Tape, 1/2" x 26-2/10', Black On White ...
马可波罗网(提供{威远兄弟牌p-touch色带 PT-P700标签机打印纸},产品详情:{品牌、型号、类型、适用设备、适用品牌型号、颜色},更多产品详情就上马可波罗网!
型号:pt-p700 类型:标签机 用途:电工电气 材质:其他 外形尺寸:12mm 加工定制:是 型号:pt-p700 类型:标签机 用途:电工电气 尺寸:21 重量:21 <span><span> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="width:100.0%;border:solid #CCCCCC 1.0pt;"><tbody><tr><td width...
My PT-P700 has never worked correctly! The P-touch editor is difficult/cluggy and does not follow normal user interface standards. The printer often won't "connect" to the computer. Poor product. I usually go back to D400, which always works and never gives me problems. 0up votes 0 0...
兄弟标签机PT-P700/P750W/P900/P900W/950NW固定资产标签打印机无线wifi铭牌胸牌条码二维码线缆不干胶打印机价格 ¥ 7498.00 ¥ 4648.00 起订数 1件起批 5件起批 发货地 广东广州 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 户外酒精汽化炉便携车载大火力高压力酒精炉加压可调节洒精气化炉 ¥ 1180.00 北极星机械纯...
产品型号pt-p700 商品数量111 所属系列兄弟标签机色带 关键词普贴趣腹膜兄弟标签带 数量-+ 产品信息 联系方式 p-touch兄弟PT-p700便携式标签打标机色带tze-531蓝底黑字 PT-2730精度达180dpi,大标签宽度为24mm 新款兄弟Brother电脑标签机PT-2430 PCZ,是的电脑标签打印机,适应多操作系统平台,你可以在 ...
兄弟标签机PT-P700/P750W/P900/P900W/950NW固定资产标签打印机无线wifi铭牌胸牌条码二维码线缆不干胶打印机 更新时间:2024年07月08日 数智集采,工业好物狂欢趴!填写信息即可参与抽奖哦! 价格 ¥7498.00 ¥4648.00 起订量 1件起批 5件起批 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验 发货地 广东 广州 数量 获取...