Electro-ultrafiltration of aqueous soil suspension with simultaneously varying temperature and voltage The procedure of electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) with simultaneously varying voltage and temperature for the determination of nutrient fractions in soil as w... K Németh - 《Plant & Soil》 被引量: 176...
n. suspension n. symbol swallow v. n. swap v. sympathy swear (swore, sworn) n. v. symphony sweat n. symptom sweater n. system sweep (swept, swept) systematic v. sweet n. & a. T swell (swelled, swollen) table v. n. swift table a. n. v. v. v. n. n. n. a...
point of su ort point of suspension point of zero distort point pattern inflamm point pattern photoel point pattern smoke s point pattern tempera point rainfall point resistance forc point row pointsource pollution point source stacking point starting box point technique point tracking mode point typh...
b-plus型号CANTucan SGTR 2.x B10251-C2C-002-0101 Hanfa500 (for 4-pole suspension of 500A sliding contact wire) SCHLICK喷嘴11894SCHLICK-MOD.121BOREDIA.0.2MM RZM285/8.5/ 1100112-IE3 - 8,5-1000/1.5kW/BG100/B5/230/400V-50Hz) POWER-PACKER型号DHP 6002-31-71 Part No.: 72416400 NM11HBA...
primary standard fuel primary suspension eq primary triangulation primaryantenna primaryballmill primarycellsprimaryba primarycircumscribeda primarycomponent primarygaspenetration primarygroupid primarygrouping primarymacule primarysample primarysource primarystandard primarystoping primarystructuralelem primarytargetarea ...
DEMAG 悬挂装置 SUSPENSION KBKI98049744MTS-5085 5芯 90度角 M12公接头和 STROMAG 制动轮 直径:400mm 液压额定推力500n/mPHOENIX D-UK 4/10 PHOENIX Order-No:2819309, SCHUNK 气缸 DPG 100-ASLENORD+BAUER兰宝 GEL260-V-01000B713重0058PHOENIX FL SWITCH SFN 5TX 289115 VMIC 备件 VMIACC-5595,8 HUB...
Comparative effects of microalgal species and food concentration on suspension feeding and energy budgets of the pearl oysters Pinctada margaritifera and P... Yukihira H, Klumpp DW and Lucas JS (1998) Comparative effects of microalgal species and food concentration on suspension feeding and energy budg...
The ultra-thin, edge-lit LED panel (SFP24)series is designed to deliver general ambient lighting in a variety of indoor settings, including schools, offices, hospitals and stores, and is the perfect choice for both new construction and retrofits. This high efficacy luminaire provides long-life ...
A (colloid/suspension/solution) is a heterogen eous mirtur e in which th e particles settl e to t h e bottom.9. Predict which atom has th e higher ionization energy?Mg or Na?10.Copper and silver ar e two examples of ato ms that will form a(n).(covalent or ioni c bond?)11...