p 1 abbreviation for Music.softly ( def 2 ). P 2 orp [ pee ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun ,pluralP'sorPs,p'sorps. the sixteenth letter of the English alphabet, a consonant. any spoken sound represented by the letterPorp,as inpet, supper, top,etc. ...
paraglyphidodon nigro paragon paragon apparel impor paragon caridin paragon space develop paragraphmeaning test paragutta parahydroxyazobenzene parahydroxydiphenylam paraie parainfluenza 1-5 par paraisaria parak-durante syndrom paraklippe parakmeria omeiensis paralbara pallidinota paralichthys parallel para...
pluralismus ue s arch pluralistic plurality plurality of meaning pluripotency plurispore pluro plus a bond fund plus a mouth plus fairies plus up plus x award plus-minus method pluse radar plush doll plush loom plustek plutinos plutonian plutonium bomb plutonium compound ply band break ply chess...
Physics. power ( def 15a ). pressure ( def 2 ). Chemistry. proton ( def ). space inversion. poise 2( def ). Biochemistry. proline ( def ). p.10 abbreviation for after. p.11 abbreviation for page. part. participle. past. Chess. pawn. penny; pence. per. Grammar. person. peseta...
The 19th in a series. P Abbr of postmeaning after S Something shaped like the letter S. P Abbreviation of per S (metrology) scruple {{qualifier}} P (stenoscript) up S (physics) strange quark P Alternative form of|en|p.}}; {{abbr of page(plural pp) S Alternative form of s. P ...
3.Physics a.A body whose spatial extent and internal motion and structure, if any, are irrelevant in a specific problem. b.An elementary particle. c.A subatomic particle. 4.Linguistics a.An uninflected item that has grammatical function but does not clearly belong to one of the major parts...
13、thesia 触觉异常:/doc/d3fada723196b46f69ee04b2eal vision 中心窝旁视觉 parafunction 机能异常 paragammacism 发音障碍 paraganglia 副神经节 paraganglion 副神经节 paragenetic 拟遗传的 parageusia 味觉倒错 paragnosia 认知倒错 paragnost 超感知者 文法倒错 paragraphia 书写倒错meaning test 分段意义...
pain[pein]n.1. [U]suffering; great discomfort of the body or mind 疼; 疼痛: have apain in ones head(= have a headache) 头痛; have pains allover浑身疼痛;cry with pain痛得哭起来 2. [C] afeeling of suffering or discomfort in a particular part of thebody; a feeling of annoyance or...
Formal definition of the contemporary meaning of the New Physics proposed. A constituent picture of the W and H bosons considered. Mechanism for the estimation for the observable value of the cosmological constant in the supersymmetric models at finite temperatures and a connection between bosonic and...