In the cytosolic iron–sulfur protein assembly (CIA) machinery of eukaryotes, the hetero﹐ligomeric CFD1㎞BP35 complex is performing a scaffold function. Both proteins belong to the metal binding P﹍oop NTPase family whose members typically are involved in metal center assembly. In vivo , Fe/S...
ASCE(Additional Strand Catalytic E)蛋白是 P-loop NTPase 中最主要、功能最多样的一类NTPase。生物信息学分析发现古菌中存在一类保守的,而且是古菌特有的P-loop NTPase。在冰岛硫化叶菌Sulfolobus islandicus Rey15A中,其编码基因为SiRe_1432,与Hjc编码基因相邻,且为必须基因。该ATPase的N-端有一个保守的PIN(Pil ...
Identification and classification of the KAP family of predicted ATPases During our systematic analysis of the P-loop NTPase fold, we detected the mammalian neuronal membrane protein named kinase D-interacting substance of 220 kDa (Kidins220) or ankyrin repeat-rich membrane spanning protein (ARMS)...
However, structures of such stable complexes may not reflect the authentic short-lived states during enzymatic hydrolysis, nor do they cover any members of the most prevalent nucleotide-binding fold, the P-loop NTPases34. We report here the 2.6-Å cryo-EM structure of the human ATPase p97 ...
Toth-Petroczy, Alexander Goncearenco and Igor Berezovsky (inference of the ancestral P-loop sequence) and Lin Yu-Ru and David Baker (computational protein design).Short functional peptides are likely to have served as crucial intermediates between a primordial RNA world and the extant protein ...
After that, our laboratory found an OsGAP1 interactive G protein, OsYchF1, using yeast two hybrid analysis. OsYchF1 belongs to YchF subfamily of Obg family in TRAFAC superclass of P-loop GTPases, and is involved in plant defense response pathway as a negative regulator. OsGAP1 enhances ...
Li, TengchaoBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTAThe regulation of lipid metabolism by ahypothetical P-loop NTPase and its impact on fecundity of the brown planthopper. Pang R,Qiu JQ,Li al. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects . 2017...
In the ECOD database [19], the topology-level entry “P-loop_NTPase” contains 193 protein families. In the Pfam database [20], the P-loop NTPase clan CL0023 contains 217 families. The main classes of P-loop NTPases were already present in the last universal cellular ancestor (LUCA) ...
In the ECOD database [19], the topology-level entry "P-loop_NTPase" contains 193 protein families. In the Pfam database [20], the P-loop NTPase clan CL0023 contains 217 families. The main classes of P-loop NTPases were already present in the last universal cellular ancestor (LUCA) [...
The DNA helicase (gp31) of MED16 belongs to the SSL2 superfamily (cl34083) and DNA primase/replicative helicase (gp68) contains AAA_25 domain (pfam13481) of the P-loop_NTPase superfamily (cl38936). The MED16 genes associated with DNA RRR, with the exceptions of ORF03 and ORF68, are...