“Partner”) che usano ulteriori Cookies e trattano i tuoi dati personali (come gli identificatori unici) e altre informazioni memorizzate e/o accessibili dal tuo dispositivo o dal tuo browser per le finalità descritte sotto. Clicca su “Gestisci Preferenze” per ulteriori informazioni su ...
pumpkin sweet biscuit pumpkin with bacon pumpking latinovilniu pumpkinseed pumpmotor pumpoutashipatsea pump air pump high-lift pump low lift pumpsinking pumpspout-delivery pumpvertical punbuttong die punch arresting punch downward in cro punch n crunch punch to shape punchdown tool punched flanged...
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Insomma «nozze» deriva da «nubere» ossia coprire la sposa di un velo, come le nuvole coprono il sole. 总结来说,nozze源自nubere,意思是“用面纱遮住新娘”,就像乌云遮住太阳一样。
2017), La Asociación Latinoamericana de Volcanología (ALVO; https://vhub.org/groups/alvo) and others. Exchanges of staff between observatories and between observatories and university partners can also aid in the exchange of knowledge and technology, as has been demonstrated widely, examples ...
Flor Ada (2003) traced the beginning of Latino literature to the late 19th century with Cuban writer Jose Marti and to a journal called Le Edad de Oro (The Golden Age, also cited in Kiefer, Hepler, & Hickman, 2007). However, it would be approximately another 75 years before more ...
In addition, the distribution of the same-sign events in the data is shown; they come mostly from ρ (1700) decays with two missing pions. Figure 1 shows that the data and the starlight results are in agreement, lending confidence to the per- formance of this generator. These ...
SifuentesJauregui, Benigno
Cuphea plants are native to South and Central America and the southern part of North America (southeastern USA; western and southern mountains of Mexico). Most species grow in Brazil, and 69 of the total 108 Brazilian species are endemics [7]. An exceptionally high diversity and abundance of...
Come si scrive? Si scrive coscienza, con la "i", perché proviene dal latino conscientia. In realtà la "i" non non si pronuncia nemmeno, però è necessaria inserirla quando si usa questo termine nello scritto per una questione di rispetto e di prestigio nei confronti del modello latino....