For example, x to the second power is the same as x squared (x2). A number x to the third power is the same as that number cubed (x3). 2,3,5,7,11,13, numberA prime number is a positive number that has exactly two factors, 1 and itself. Alternatively, you can ...
:“a” squared b 3 :“b” cubed c 4 : to the fourth power : square root : cubic root 16:8 the ratio of sixteen to eight ∞ : infinity ∵: since/because ∴: therefore △: triangle ( ) : parentheses [ ] : brackets {} : braces ...
x squared 某数的平方? cube 三次方? three cubed 三次方的? to the fourth power, to the power of four 乘四次方? square root 平方根? cube root 立方根? rule of three 比例法? logarithm 对数? logarithm table 对数表? algeba 代数? equation 等式,方程式? unknown 未知数? simple equation 一次...
平方x x squared6. 三次方x x cubed7. 四次幂x4 : x to the fourth; x to the power four不知道又有多少人是像小编一样因为杨幂家独特的起名方式而把这个三次方给记住了呢?根号 :平方根root x; square root x; the square root of x立方根 the cube root of x以此类推,其余的根表达就是:the nth...
如: 5+7five plus seven, 93nine minus three, 89eight multiplied by nine, 648sixty divided by eight, 6:5 the ratio of six to five, 42 four squared, 33three-cubed, 54the fourth power of five十四、与数有关的几个常用单词及词组。如: half 一半, a dozen 一打, dozens of 几十, a ...
1. Consider the curve represented by x=t^{2} and y= t^{3} - 3t; disclaimer: t^{2} is tsquared and t^{3} is t cubed. a) Find \frac{dy}{dx} for the given curve. Does your work. b) Find the slope of th Conside...
X squared X的平方 X cubed X的立方 ∵ since; because 因为 ∴ hence 所以 ∠ angle 角 ⌒ semicircle 半圆 ⊙ circle 圆 ○ circumference 圆周 △ triangle 三角形 ⊥ perpendicular to 垂直于 ∪ intersection of 并,合集 ∩ union of 交,通集 ...
(square) root 平方根X squared X 的平方X cubed X 的立方 since; because 因为 hence 所以 angle 角 semicircle 半圆 circle 圆 circumference 圆周 triangle 三角形 perpendicular to 垂直于 intersection of 并,合集 union of 交,通集 the integral of 的积分 (sigma) summation of 总和 degree 度 minute ...
b 的平方: b square or b squared b 的立方: b cube or b cubed b 的4次方: b to the fourth b 的-1次方: b to the minus one 六、Time 时间 (6-1) Hou 钟点 "8" : two hou five minutes eight seconds 2小时5分8秒 : six eighteen 6时18分 .: eight thirty . 上午8时30分 the . ...