The schematic of an n-channel JFET along with its circuit symbol is shown in Figure 1. From the layered structure shown by Figure 1a, it is clear that the n-channel JFET has its major portion made ofn-type semiconductor. The mutually-opposite two faces of this bulk material from the sour...
Each circuit symbol, as shown in Figure 10, has four terminals: the source. the gate, the drain, and the substrate, with the source and substrate being internally coupled. The N channel or electrons flow to the gate to form an N channel if the arrow points to the substrate; otherwise...
However, p-channel IGBTs have the same area as n-channel IGBTs. Literature El símbolo para un JFET de canal p también se muestra en esta figura. The symbol for a p-channel JFET is also shown in this figure. Literature Para los dispositivos de canal p se puede seguir utilizando...
TECHNICAL DATAP-CHANNEL J-FETQualified per MIL-PRF-19500/476DevicesQualifiedLevel2N51142N51152N5116JAN 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向可控硅 和其他半导体的
LSJ174 Specifications: Polarity: P-Channel ; rDS(on): 85 ohms ; Package Type: SOT23, SOT-23, 3 PIN ; Number of units in IC: 1 . This p-channel analog switch is designed to provide low on-resistance and fast switching. When used in combination with the co
NDT454 P-channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor . NDT454P P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor. Power SOT P-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, high cell density, DMOS
Linear Integrated Systems4042 Clipper Ct., Fremont, CA 94538 TEL: (510) 490-9160 • FAX: (510) 353-0261LIMITSSYMBOLCHARACTERISTICSMIN.MAX.UNITSCONDITIONSY 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向可控硅 和其他半导体的
N-ChannelJFETs J308 J309 J310 SST308 SST309 SST310 U309 U310 ProductSummary PartNumberV GS(off) (V)V (BR)GSS Min(V)g fs Min(mS)I DSS Min(mA) J308–1to–6.5–25812 J309–1to–4–251012 J310–2to–6.5–25824 SST308–1to–6.5–25812 SST309–1to–4–251012 SST310–2to–6.5...
TRANSISTOR | JFET | N-CHANNEL | 55V V(BR)DSS | 1MA I(DSS) | SC-75A 晶体管| JFET | N沟道| 55V V( BR ) DSS | 1MA我( DSS ) | SC- 75A\n 2SK2593P 数据手册 通过下载2SK2593P数据手册来全面了解它。这个PDF文档包含了所有必要的细节,如产品概述、功能特性、引脚定义、引脚排列图等信息...
Symbol Parameter Max. Units P D Total Device Dissipation Derate above 25 ° C 350 2.8 mW mW/ ° C R θ JC Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 125 ° C/W R θ JA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 357 ° C/W P1086 P-Channel Switch • This device is designed for low level...