全称P-47D Thunderbolt初始星级 所属学联星尘联邦学院利巴博利格学院 类型轻型兵种战斗机 获取方式改造 P-47D 雷电 画师:四骑 声优:佐仓绫音 DOLLS资料 虽然对同伴温柔对待,但这并不妨碍P-47——这位拥有「雷电」之名的DOLLS对敌人施以雷霆般的打击。经过改造的新型ARMS配备了更高出力的发动机与增压设备,提高了整体...
全称P-47B Thunderbolt初始星级 所属学联星尘联邦学院利巴博利格学院 类型轻型兵种战斗机 获取方式列装解禁、主线关卡掉落、回收行动 P-47B 雷电 画师:四骑 声优:佐仓绫音 DOLLS资料 时刻为他人着想,拥有献身服务精神的DOLLS。由于知道自己有笨手笨脚的毛病,所以凡事喜欢预先做好准备列出清单按部就班解决。
Vehicle families P-47 "Thunderbolt" Operator country Germany Manufacturers Seversky / Republic Vehicles by updates Aircraft CBT Flight performance Max speed at 9,144 m 700 km/h Rate of Climb 10.6 m/s Turn time 25 s Max altitude 12,200 m Takeoff Run 600 m Combatflaps Take-of...
https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Bostwick's_P-47M-1-REThunderbolt For sure. The engine wasn't the problem but the ignition harness was. The 56th flew missions in Jan and Feb with the M. Legioneod Member 3.4k Location:Louisiana Posted November 29, 2018 On 11/30/201...
- Shield - The Thunderbolt toughness and the Pilot protection; - Blue and the 5 Stars - Brazilian Sky and the "South Cross constellation"; - Pistol - the Jug fire-power; - Cloud - the airspace, "the pilot's floor"; - Red Background - the blood of the brazilians WIA and KIA; -...
It was not until the introduction of the LockheedP-38 Lightningand Republic P-47 Thunderbolt fighters that the bombing raids could claim a measure of success. 直到P-38閃電式和P-47战鬥机的引入,轰炸袭击才開始取得成功。 WikiMatrix Remnants of the Free French Air ForceP-38 Lightningin which he...
The Republic P-47 was the successor to a line of airplanes derived from the Seversky P-35, the XP-41, P-43 Lancer and XP-44 Rocket. El P-47 Thunderbolt fue el sucesor de una línea de aviones derivados de Seversky P-35, XP-41, P-43 Lancer y XP-44 Rocket. WikiMatrix A...
配备1个HDMI 2.0端口,支持60 Hz 4K输出;可选配Thunderbolt 3端口。两个前射式扬声器采用Waves MaxxAudio Pro技术,内部56Wh电池。规格 查看更多 颜色 黑色 机械硬盘 1TB HDD 固态硬盘 128GB 显卡 GTX 1060 Max-Q 内存容量 8GB 分辨率 1080P 屏幕类型 IPS CPU 酷睿i7-8750H 屏幕规格 15.6英寸 ...
39 Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100% 15 43 Charm Fairy Status — 100% 20 45 Blizzard Ice Special 110 70% 5 50 Thunder Electric Special 110 70% 10 54 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30% 5 A level of "Start" indicates a move that will be known by a Delta Ralts obtained at lev...
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100% 15 TM25 Thunder Electric Special 110 70% 10 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100% 20 TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100% 10 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100% 15 TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100% 15 TM32 Double Team Normal ...