I expected it to be a normal P-39, but when I throttled up, it just shot up into the sky.@CustomAircraftMods 5.1 years ago 3,477 CustomAircraftMods That’s the point! This plane is meant to be a turboprop version of the original. It’s meant to be powerful like that. @Aerial...
按照美国陆军的规划两者的作战任务均为在高空拦截来袭的敌轰炸机为主。因此,尽管当时美国陆军习惯上仍然以“Pursuit plane”(意为追击·驱逐用飞机)的首字母P加编号为战斗机命名,但在新机型的设计思想上已经引入了“interceptor”(截击机)这一新兴的概念。 实际上,作为专门的截击机,之前贝尔飞机公司提交的一份设计独特...
The automobile type door are very nice when opened but from the point of my view not both sides at once. The Airacobra in such case looks like a jet with airbrakes in action. This is a case of numerous images of/and Airacobra models I have seen. And that was a reason for my openin...
P-39K-1飞蛇 所属:战斗机 级别:2 银狮收益:60%+60% 售价(金币):420 简介 P-39K-1战斗机,来自租借法案的著名东线低空主力战斗机,火力强大。有着优秀的盘旋能力和爬升性能,无论是中低空缠斗还是拦截轰炸机都能不落下风。 属性 街机模式历史/全真模式...
P-39N-0(SU)飞蛇 所属:战斗机 级别:3 银狮收益:90%+90% 售价(银币):10000 简介 贝尔公司的P-39战斗机,是战争期间一种很有特色的飞机。该机将发动机放在座舱后面,通过一根延长轴驱动机头的螺旋桨,座舱布置相应靠前,从而改变了飞机的构造。 属性
no air support system . Scale aluminum spinner. Comes with all the plans and documentation and instruction booklet. Buyer would have to supply wing sheeting. I also have a like new DA 85 with Pitts wraparound muffler for the plane for extra $675 Prefer local PU in New England. Can be ...
Source: planehistoria.com Conclusion The Me 261 was an aircraft that was not ordered by the Luftwaffe as a military aircraft and thus received low priority. Despite its initial potential for use as a reconnaissance aircraft, it quickly became evident that it would not be feasible for ...
设置 控制选项 auto rudder 勾上
没飞过P3D 但是我就是从MSFS2020转到XP11的 想感受操控性和飞行乐趣 微软的国外地景很棒 驾驶小飞机...
P-39N-0“飞蛇” 所属:战斗机 级别:2 银狮收益:320% 成员组培训费:16000 简介 采用了独树一帜的设计:发动机位于座舱后中置,并采用前三点起落架布局。移除了机翼内油箱以减轻重量,同时在机腹处增加了一条可连接外挂油箱的管线。 属性 街机模式历史/全真模式 ...