Figure Q3-1. UV-B protection by the ozone layer. 臭氧空洞的出现? 1985年,人们未预料到的事发生了,这一年,英国科学家 乔弗曼等人首次报道,1980-1984年间,南极上空每年春 季(即10月)臭氧含量与同年3月相比大幅度下降,出现 了臭氧洞。这对人类自身的生存构成了威胁,从而引起了 ...
第三章-臭氧层损耗ppt课件 热度: Thedepletionoftheozonelayer(臭氧层损耗) ABSTRACT Ozone(O 3 )isastratospheric(平流层的)layer(层)thatplaysimportant roleinprovidingsupporttohumansfortheirsurvival.Itisanessential factorformanyglobal,biological(生物的)andenvironmental ...
Part_1_Physical_Layer_Specification_Ver3.00_Final_090416 热度: 臭氧层空洞(Ozone depletion)_PPT课件 热度: MONTREAL PROTOCOL ON SUBSTANCES THAT DEPLETE THE OZONE LAYER 热度: 相关推荐 OutlineofPresentationOutlineofPresentation WhatistheOzonelayer?WhatistheOzonelayer? HowisozonecreatedandHowisozonecreated...
ozone layer depletion:臭氧层耗损 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: UNESCO – EOLSSSAMPLE CHAPTERSCONVENTIONS, TREATIES AND OTHER RESPONSES TO GLOBAL ISSUES – Vol. II - Ozone Layer Depletion - Cesare P. R. Romano ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) OZONE LAYER DEPLETION Cesare P. R. ...
【英文版环境化学】StratosphericOzoneDepletion.ppt,Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Ozone in the atmosphere The ozone layer Ultraviolet protection by ozone Ultraviolet protection by ozone Express ozone abundance Total column ozone is the total amount of ozon
Ozone Layer Depletion - Geog-On2IB - home OzoneLayerDepletion IBSL WhatIsIt?•Theozonelayerisfoundintheupperstratosphereanditsprimaryfunctionistofilterultravioletshort-waveradiationthatcomesfromthesun.•OzonegasabsorbsUVradiation.•The'hole'intheozonelayerwasfirstnotedinthe1980's,andisofconcernas...
Ozone Layer Depletion Abstract Until relatively recently, when environmentalists were troubled by ozone, their concerns were entirely focused on its role as a major component of urban air pollution. Following theoretical work in the mid-1970s that suggested that certain human activities may have a ...
29 What is Being Done to Reduce Ozone Depletion? Montreal Protocol (1987) and subsequent treaties (條約) control the world-wide usage of ozone depleting substances. Given compliance (遵守) with the prohibitions (禁止), the ozone layer ...
The ozone layer is a protective layer around the planet Earth.臭氧层是地球的保护层。 The capacity of ozone can adjust according of requirement.臭氧的产量可根据需要或调节。 2 depletion n.耗尽,枯竭 参考例句: Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.用水量...
OzoneLayerDepletion OzoneintheStratosphere 平流層的臭氧(O 3 ) 阻檔有害的紫外線 (UV)保護地球上的生 物是好的臭氧 對流層(地面附近)的 臭氧是光化學煙霧的 重要成份是壞的臭氧 Figuresource:SynthesisandAssessmentProduct2.4,ReportbytheU.S.ClimateChangeScienceProgramandthe SubcommitteeonGlobalChangeResearch Oz...