ADJ. considerable, enormous, giant, great VERB + STRIDE make She's made enormous strides in English this term. PREP. ~s in stride verb ADV. briskly, quickly | confidently | purposefully | angrily | ahead, away, back, forward, in, off, out, over, past He strode off in search of a...
| support training and other support facilities | special | useful | flexible A First National Bank loan is an extremely flexible facility. | technical | cheque book, credit, loan, overdraft a bank account with an overdraft facility | editing, graphics, help, mail, search, word processing (...
| bring, enlist, fetch, find, get He enlisted the help of a private detective in his search for the truth. He ran to get help. | need, want Do you need any help unloading the car? | get, receive | accept He's too proud to accept help. | come to, give sb, offer (sb), ...