Oyster Bay Resorts is located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, between Campbell River and Courtenay/Comox on the Island Highway 19A. All our chalets have an ocean view of Georgia Strait where you can see cruise ships passing by in the summer. ...
Starting in March every year, the migrating grey whales give Tofino and the whole west coast of Vancouver Island a reason to celebrate. Mar 3, 2024 Tidbits from Tim March is a great month at the lodge with Spring Break and Easter at the end of the month. Both occasions bring families ba...
Polymorphism was assayed using a panel of 96 oysters from eight locations, and the most polymorphic markers were used for preliminary analyses of broad-scale patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation within and among populations ranging from northern Vancouver Island, BC ...
In attempts to collect scallop spat on the west coast of Vancouver Island, about 25% of the collected juveniles were rock scallops, the remainder were pink and spiny scallops, Chlamys rubida and C. hastata (Bourne, 1988; Bourne et al., 1989). Whether sufficient quantities of juvenile rock ...
地址: 611 Oyster Bay Drive Ladysmith Maritime Society Marina, Ladysmith不列颠哥伦比亚省 加拿大 营业时间:暂无 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们 更多热门餐馆 全部餐馆 Dairy Queen Grill & Chill 0条点评 距离2.27km Fox and Hounds 0条点评 距离0.36km Mr Teriyaki & Miss Sushi 0...
位置 4384 South Island Highway, Oyster Bay V9H 1E8 在地圖上檢視 > 關於此物業 Ocean Resort Ocean Resort, located just south of Campbell River, is located on the east coast of beautiful Vancouver Island, with easy access from Victoria, and Vancouver BC and Seattle, Washington. The hotel feat...
Komo Gway Oyster, Vancouver Island, BC. Beach-grown oysters harvested from the intertidal beaches of the Komoks First Nation on the shores of Vancouver Island. Komo Gway is the name of the
Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island Zen Baynes Sound, BC Learn more aboutPacific oysters... Fresh oysters shipped overnight Hama Grillers Hood Canal Summerstone Port Townsend Bay, Washington Wellfleet Wellfleet Harbor View AllFresh oysters shipped overnight... ...
Cascumpec Bay Oyster Co. Ltd. CANADA- We are a family run and boutique style oyster company located on Prince Edward Island on Canada’s Atlantic Coast. We commit to growing and packing oysters of the finest quality in a safe and sustainable way, and work with other nearby growers with ...
Baynes Sound, Vancouver Island GwiGwi British Columbia Summer Ice Jervis Inlet, BC Learn more aboutBritish Columbia oysters... MoreBags-to-Beachoysters Olympia (South Sound) Totten Inlet, Puget Sound Olympia (Swinomish) Skagit Bay Disco Hama ...