Kids Definition oxymoron noun ox·y·mo·ronˌäk-si-ˈmōr-ˌän -ˈmȯr- pluraloxymoronsalsooxymora-ˈmōr-ə -ˈmȯr-ə :a combination of contradictory words (ascruel kindness) Etymology from Greekoxymōros"pointedly foolish," from Greekoxys"sharp, keen" an...
Define oxymoronic. oxymoronic synonyms, oxymoronic pronunciation, oxymoronic translation, English dictionary definition of oxymoronic. n. pl. ox·y·mo·rons or ox·y·mo·ra A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, a
The meaning of OXYMORON is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements. How to use oxymoron in a sentence. Frequently Asked
Wasn't it the Swiss diplomats that to the surprise of the EU insisted on including a Schengen accord in the second round of bilateral agreements and isn't it funny how it now comes back to bite them by threatening to bring down the entire bilateral agreements already in effect since 2002?
Sex Roles 23(11–12): 629–643 - Gastil - 1990 () Citation Context ...nd if a generic term excludes women, then by definition it is not generic (Gibbon 1999: 43). This pseudo-generic nature of generic he has been well documented (Graham 1973; Bodine 1975; Martyna 1978; =-=Gastil...
Define oxymoronically. oxymoronically synonyms, oxymoronically pronunciation, oxymoronically translation, English dictionary definition of oxymoronically. n. pl. ox·y·mo·rons or ox·y·mo·ra A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory t
Such educational innovation raises many questions about the definition and context of Catholic schooling. The designers of electronic educational alternatives must be aware of the need to create virtual communities within their institutions. By using theories of community building, virtual architecture, and...
Managed Care ProgramsSocial Justice方针政策管理医疗规划社会正义Discusses the application of the concept of justice in a managed care system. Definition of managed care; Philosophical aspects of justice and equality; Principles to be observed by a managed care system. INSET: Early Years of Capitated ...