An oxymoron is afigure of speechwhere two opposite or contradictory words are placed together to create a unique meaning. For example, phrases like "deafening silence" and "bittersweet" are oxymorons. These combinations can highlight contrasts and add depth to writing, making descriptions more viv...
An oxymoron and a paradox are similar in that they combine contradictory or opposing elements but differ in length. An oxymoron consists of two words that contradict themselves to reveal a deeper meaning (e.g., open secret). This is an oxymoron because, in this context, “open” can be un...
For example, "good" and "bad" are antonyms. Some people mistake pairs of antonyms for oxymorons, but they are not the same. Oxymorons take two contradictory words or ideas and bring them together to create a single, deeper meaning. The oxymoron "darkness visible," for instance, captures ...
The meaning of OXYMORON is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements. How to use oxymoron in a sentence. Frequently Asked
Consider the oxymoron exampledeafening silence. On its ownsilenceis fairly neutral—it can be calm or tense, depending on the context. But pairing it withdeafeninggivessilencea very distinct meaning, comparing it to a loud noise that draws extra attention. This presents the wordsilencein a unique...
An oxymoron has several purposes in literature and may be used for a number of reasons. An oxymoron may be used to clarify different shades of meaning or to emphasize conflict. One might also be used to create a better description of a scene, intensify the emotions felt by the characters ...
The origin of the word 'oxymoron' can be traced back to two Greek words 'oxy' which means 'sharp' and 'moros' meaning 'dull'. Widely used in English language, oxymorons are completely understood by the readers though they are combinations of the contradictory. You can even find a long ...
C.A stupid phrase that is clichéd and trite. [spoiler title=”Answer to Question #1″] Answer:Bis the correct answer.Ais not correct, as oxymora do indeed have meaning and can be understood as containing sense.[/spoiler] 2. Which of the following statements is an oxymoron example?
The meaning of OXYMORON is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements. How to use oxymoron in a sentence. Frequently Asked
First recorded in1650–60;fromLate Latinoxymorum,from presumedGreekoxýmōron(unrecorded), neuter ofoxýmōros(unrecorded) “sharp-dull,” equivalent tooxý(s)“sharp” (oxy-1) +mōrós“dull” (moron) Discover More Example Sentences