Late Greek oxymōron, from neuter of oxymōros pointedly foolish, from Greek oxys sharp, keen + mōros foolish First Known Use 1657, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of oxymoron was in 1657 See more words from the same year Articles Related to oxymoron Intern...
Late Greek oxymōron, from neuter of oxymōros pointedly foolish, from Greek oxys sharp, keen + mōros foolish First Known Use 1657, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of oxymoron was in 1657 See more words from the same year Articles Related to oxymoron Intern...
Oxymoron: Learn all about what an oxymoron is, its meaning, definition and how it should be used in sentences. Check out the examples given in the article for a much better understanding of the same.
Oxymoron definition: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”. See examples of OXYMORON used in a sentence.
Oxymorons take two contradictory words or ideas and bring them together to create a single, deeper meaning. The oxymoron "darkness visible," for instance, captures the sense of darkness being not just the lack of light, but also a tangible, terrible thing. Antonym pairs—such as good and ba...
Royall DR."silent stroke" an oxymoron meaning "dementia"[J].Semin Cerebrovasc Dis Stroke,2004,4(1):97-101.Royall DR: "Silent" stroke: an oxymoron meaning "demen- tia." Sem Cerebrovasc Dis Stroke 2005; 4:97-101Royall DR. "silent stroke" an oxymoron meaning "dementia"[J].SEMINARS IN ...
whereas an oxymoron does not necessarily lead to any insights. Paradoxes usually defy intuition in that they combine seemingly contradictory concepts to hint at a deeper truth. Oxymora, on the other hand, are often easy to grasp the meaning of even while the terms involved are usually used to...
Oxymorons challenge the reader to look past simple definitions and explore a more nuanced and complex meaning. It’s worth noting that you can’t simply combine any two opposing or contradictory words and call them an oxymoron. For something to be an oxymoron, the two juxtaposed words must co...
例如“organized chaos”。Word Family Quiz What English word descending from Greek oxys (meaning "sharp") can refer to a sudden violent emotion or action, or to a sudden attack or increase of symptoms of a disease that often occurs again and again?paroxysm ...
There are some key points to remember when using an oxymoron in a sentence: Identify Contrasting Words: Choose two words with opposite meanings that, when combined, create a unique or paradoxical effect, like "deafening silence." Enhance Meaning: Use oxymorons to add depth and complexity to you...