The abbreviation ’PFC’ often refers to perflourinated chemicals. Herein, PFCs denote only perflourocarbons. In comparison to hydrocarbon chain (H-chains), F-chains adopt a helical arrangement (versus the planar configuration of H-Chains) and a more rigid structure (cross section of ca. 30 ...
The standard abbreviation for Haemoglobin is “Hb”. Other oxygen binding proteins are myoglobin in muscles, haemocyanin in arthropods and molluscs, leghaemoglobin in legumes, etc. Haemoglobin A present in humans is coded by HBA1, HBA2 and HBB genes. The sequence of amino acids in polypeptide...
Abbreviation: ICU, intensive care unit. 2.3. SaO2, SpO2, and occult hypoxemia For each SaO2-SpO2 measurement pair, we calculated the time interval of the paired measurement (which was always <10 min by study design). To examine discrepancy between SaO2 and SpO2, we defined occult hypoxemia as...
How is Central Venous Oxygen Saturation abbreviated? ScvO2 stands for Central Venous Oxygen Saturation. ScvO2 is defined as Central Venous Oxygen Saturation frequently.