Peak is much broader than O1s XPS components.If a particularly large chemical shift is observed, it could be due to O-Fx bonding. A big loss feature is often observed to higher binding energy of the main O1s peak.General comments ...
Peak is much broader than O1s XPS components.If a particularly large chemical shift is observed, it could be due to O-Fx bonding. A big loss feature is often observed to higher binding energy of the main O1s peak.General comments Oxygen will always be present on samples exposed to...
The hybridization and overlap of the density of states of the elements in the molecule result in softening the bonds, shifting the oxygen peak toward a lower binding energy. Other lead-based materials such as PbZrO 3 (PZO) and PbTiO 3 (PTO), which also contain the same species, have ...
The smaller the ΔEpeak, the more reversible the *O ↔ *OH process, and the faster the ORR rate. Full size image Effects of alkaline cations and ionomers Having introduced a kinetic descriptor for the electrolyte effect on Pt(111) in acid solution, we now show its applicability in...
compared to single atom catalyst. The core level XPS on Pt 4 f region are plotted in Fig.5b, a sole characteristic of Ptδ+peak located at 72.35 eV is noted on 200-, 400- and 800-Pt-N-CNTs while both Pt0(71.46 eV) and Ptδ+peaks are resolved on 2000-Pt-N-CNT, in...
The results demonstrate the existence of oxygeninduced secondary substituent effects in the XPS spectra of oxygen-containing polymers, clearly supporting the peak-analysis of experimental XPS spectra recently reported by one of us. As a consequence, much more detailed information can be gathered from ...
Based on UPS spectra characteristics (the peak at E B θ9.5 eV), this state is supposed to be of molecular form.doi:10.1016/0039-6028(88)90606-1A.I. BoroninV.I. BukhityarovA.L. VishnevskiiG.K. BoreskovV.I. SavchenkoElsevier B.V....
XPS results show that, after Ar+irradiation under oxygen, hydrophilic groups were developed on PC, PMMA, and PET. The peak ratio (O/C) of PET irradiated without oxygen decreased with increasing ion dose, whereas that of PET irradiated under oxygen increased with ion dose upto 1016ions/cm2 ...
In addition, the extinction peak b that appeared at 0.67 V was assigned to the oxygen evolution at the EEIs and the intensity of this peak increased quickly with enhancement of anodic polarization (>0.50 V, Fig. 2g). Meanwhile, the extinction peak a assigned to the electrogenerated ...
Realizing reversible reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions of lattice oxygen in batteries is a promising way to improve the energy and power density. However, conventional oxygen absorption spectroscopy fails to distinguish the critical oxygen chemistry in oxide-based battery electrodes. Therefore, high-ef...