We compared outpatients transported to the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) while breathing room air to 2-4 L/min nasal cannula oxygen (O2) to test the hypothesis that routine supplemental O2 during transport is not required after general anesthesia in an ambulatory surgery center. We also examine...
doi:10.1097/00132586-200206000-00003MathewsDonald M.Survey of AnesthesiologyAmbulatory Surgery: Room Air Versus Nasal Cannula Oxygen During Transport After General Anesthesia[J] . Donald D. Mathes,Mark R. Conaway,William T. Ross.Anesthesia & Analgesia . 2001 (4)...
In a pre-hospital setting or for patients under ambulatory care, O2 saturation levels should be monitored until the patient's vitals are stable and a specialist does a full assessment. The concentration of O2 administered should be adjusted upwards or downwards to maintain the appropriate saturation...
It has been evident that DFUs and subsequently amputations contribute to poor quality of life, the financial burden on the family & health care system, and increase the risk of early death1,10. Diabetic foot ulcer remains a big challenge for the patient as well as health care industry; this...
Nocturnal Arterial Oxygen Desaturation and Episodic Airway Obstruction After Ambulatory Surgerydoi:10.1097/01.sa.0000151195.92355.02McGoldrickKathryn E.Survey of Anesthesiology
Detection of oxygen face mask defect by gas analysis during ambulatory surgerydoi:10.1016/j.jclinane.2005.02.007JieunS.ChoiandJungT.KimSDOSJournal of Clinical Anesthesia
Detection of oxygen face mask defect by gas analysis during ambulatory surgeryChoi, J. S.Kim, J. T.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA -STONEHAM-
Supplemental Intraoperative Oxygen and 24 Hour Postoperative Nausea/Vomiting in Ambulatory SurgeryThe American Society of Anesthesiologists is an educational, research and scientific association of physicians organized to raise and maintain the standards of the medical practice of anesthesiology and improve the...
The aim of this study was to collect data from the literature in order to determine whether oxygen therapy can actually decrease the mortality rate or whether it is only suitable for supportive therapy for patients with ILDs. Methods: We reviewed the literature since 2010 on oxygen therapy ...