Once your plumbing system is set up, we can move on to the common causes of blocked pipes and how to fix them. Check Plumbing Connections The most common cause of blocked pipes in Oxygen Not Included is a missing pipe connection. This can happen when you’re doing construction on an area...
Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I can't get water to flow into this system. There's plenty of water pressure - I've even got two pumps going. The pumps give the error message "pipe blocked" unless I deconstruct about the Y-joint in the bo
The problem with like foods stacking, then being consumed en~masse by the stopid dupes. Two muckroots stacked together must be tediously, and manually separated if it is to be two meals. Fix that please! And need I mention the jobs board, so mushy, so fraught with scripting errors. I ...