I've been playing this for years and only last week did I realise a method for the reed fiber, which is to use poop water directly out of the toilets in to hydroponic farm tiles with reed fiber in. The perfect use for warm poop water as the reed fiber doesn't care about germs as...
Have Duplicants consume 400,000kcal of food without planting any seeds in Planter Boxes, Farm Tiles, or Hydroponic Farms. 6.87% (396.00) Carnivore Have Duplicants eat 400,000kcal of critter meat before the 100th cycle. 2.75% (989.00) Some Reservations Improve Duplicant Morale by designat...
Our oversized meat popsicle just got a significant change to their diet, multiplying how much food they need by a factor of 5. In order to feed a full stable of 6 bammoths, you now need 24!! domestic plume squash plants. This is an absurd amount of plant
In practice though, the foods that can be made from Grubfruits do not have much of an advantage over the others in return for the trouble with operating a ranch-farm of Divergents and Grubfruits. The Sweetle variant of the Divergents can be fed Sulfur, which is one of the resources th...
Distilling slime gave me some germy water, but not much. At the end I started running power/pipes to every medium-sized pool of water, and felt like it used all my time and resources. Food I used 2-3 microbe musher + mealwood farm. What would you recommend upgrading to from ther...
(ANOVA) was applied, followed by Student’sttest (Larson2008; Krzywinski and Altman2014). For data (PGR, AQP3) that did not conform to a normal distribution, the non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test was carried out followed by the Mann–WhitneyUtest. We consider statistical significance ifp...
This comes not from the thematic world of 1984, but from the equally appropriate Animal Farm. The following is quoted from The Guardian: Elon Musk unveils pig he claims has computer implant in brain. Billionare entrepreneur presented animal during a livestream event to recruit workers for his ...
pTahretiXclReDs arreessuelptsaarantdedRfarmomantshpeeBcit2rSaep3rmovaetrtihxilsasypeer.cTuhlautsio, inn. the present case, only the It opens the possibility of einngtIhinneecpeorrniencslgeunBsciio2eSnoe, f3innptaohnlyiosvssittnruuydlcpyt,uyBrreir2oSalneid3dnotnahneinoansthianeegttetsmhwe...
Locavore Have Duplicants consume 400,000kcal of food without planting any seeds in Planter Boxes, Farm Tiles, or Hydroponic Farms. 2019-07-30 19:16:30 1.45 Carnivore Have Duplicants eat 400,000kcal of critter meat before the 100th cycle. 2019-07-30 19:16:30 1.82 Some Reservations Imp...
I did not set up a peper nor sweet grain farm per se, but I left many wild spot for collect, so my reserves are full! I know it's not optimum, since the dupes have to run and fetch the grain and peper, but I have more than enough. Another...