Therefore, the occurrence of phlogopite and phlogopite + amphibole in the harzburgitic mineral assemblage of the Mount Leura xenoliths was also studied to track the geothermal state and redox conditions of the peridotite system, and to formulate the fundamental reactions that may account for ...
For ipnositnatns c1ea,nuds3inwgetrhe esliggrhidtlylihnieghaesr athraenfethreatnactet,hiet cworarsesopbosnedrivnegdptohinattst9haenfdlo7w(Figure 4b). speeds at 7 (Figure p4bo)in. tSsu1Secxuhapcnhaddniddf3ififenfwreger–eencrncoecenesstslriwwagcheetirrtneleygppmhrerioesgudshumeelmragbtae...