The idea is simple: from the eggs being laid by a certain critter, a specified amount is separated and stored out of reach for auto-hatching after 20 cycles. If the timing is correct, the eggs should replace the elderly just in time. The goal is a fully automated farm, without micro-m...
Beaten to it although I'm kind of wondering if the 24 is intentional or not. I think it's 12 tiles for shine bugs too, haven't really tested them as they seem to be a useless critter in this patch 0xFADE Registered Users 1.3k Posted April 2, 2018 Nice. Seeing chlorine rooms...
Have Duplicants consume 400,000kcal of food without planting any seeds in Planter Boxes, Farm Tiles, or Hydroponic Farms. 6.87% (396.00) Carnivore Have Duplicants eat 400,000kcal of critter meat before the 100th cycle. 2.75% (989.00) Some Reservations Improve Duplicant Morale by designat...
Furthermore, Sucrose production is not likely to be reliably consistent, due to the Divergents’ breeding cycle.Apparently, the Beeta Hives are living creatures themselves. PLUG SLUG: The Plug Slug is always found in the second planetoid. At first glance, this Critter might not seem worthwhile ...
Locavore Have Duplicants consume 400,000kcal of food without planting any seeds in Planter Boxes, Farm Tiles, or Hydroponic Farms. 2019-07-30 19:16:30 1.45 Carnivore Have Duplicants eat 400,000kcal of critter meat before the 100th cycle. 2019-07-30 19:16:30 1.82 Some Reservations Imp...
June 10, 2018in[Oxygen Not Included] - General Discussion 0xFADE Registered Users 1.3k PostedJune 10, 2018 Puft babies appear to have a sitting frame that we never get to see since babies don't currently get groomed. The image of what critter it is is also bugged. ...
(for example on forest starts typically the starting food bin is made of sedimentary rock, which can be used to greatly boost the chance of Stone Hatches despite the small amount of rock), while it varies enormously by critter, typically a critter doesn't need a pure diet it's entire ...
little lackluster is farming/ranching. I feel like both would benefit from having more diverse options to process their products. Farming could benefit from the above mentioned possibility to make oils and spices, and raw farming products could also be used as critter food, or maybe even biofuel...
Turn on Autowrangle, set Critter Maximum to 2, and never worry about micromanaging your stables again. Your dupes will truss up a spare critter and deliver it to your other stables whenever one is needed, and you can set your egg crackers to continuous and not worry about killing off the...
Via Grubgrubs: In this case the offspring must be ensured with a external Grubfruit plant farm, and delivered via critter drop-off. Thanks for your attention! Kind regards Nice observations. I`ll just add that you don`t want them to tend saturn critter traps unless you want to feed the...