7 Installation If the installer is executed in silent (unattended) mode and -console is passed as a second parameter after -q a console will be allocated on Windows that displays the output of the installer. The command for running the installer is in this case: start /wait oxygen.exe -q...
6. Open a command-line console and run ant in the oxygenAuthor\tools\jwsPackager folder. The ant process creates the oxygenAuthor\tools\jwsPackager\dist\InstData\authorJWS.zip archive that contains the actual remote JWS installer. 7. Copy the expanded content of the archive to the folder ...
6. Open a command-line console and run ant in the oxygenDeveloper\tools\jwsPackager folder. The ant process creates the oxygenDeveloper\tools\jwsPackager\dist\InstData\authorJWS.zip archive that contains the actual remote JWS installer. 7. Copy the expanded content of the archive to the folder...