Percentage of hemolysis of the salvaged blood at 0 h(0.51 ± 0.27 %) was significantly higher than the level of venous blood (0.07 ± 0.05 %, p=0.000) and the value of 2-week-old packed RBCs (0.07 ± 0.05 %, p=0.000), and reached 1.11 ± 0.42 % at 4 h...
A note on the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood in three gobiid fishesdoi:10.1007/BF00712234T. VenkateswarluZoological Survey of IndiaNaturwissenschaften
oxygen carrying capacity 携氧能力 oxygen diffusing capacity 氧弥散功力 capacity of blood vessel 血管容积 buffer capacity of blood 血缓冲能力 in blood 富有活力 相似单词 Oxygen 活氧计画活氧计画是由麻省理工学院计算机实验室、人工智能实验室合作进行,从1999年4月展开,为期5年,研究经费高达4,000万美元...
The oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and flow through the coronary arteries regulate myocardial oxygen supply. Oxygen-carrying capacity can be decreased in several conditions that include either decreased red blood cell concentration or decreased oxygen saturation of hemoglobin. For example, anemia ...
1) oxygen carrying capacity 携氧能力1. Peeping into the structure of erythrocyte and hemoglobin would make human understand the oxygen carrying capacity of erythrocyte and the pathology of red blood cells disease, which provided the theoretical basis for diagnosis and treatment. 此外,研究指出地贫红...
Variation in oxygen carrying capacity of Sarotherodon melanotheron blood in different acclimation media. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2007;6(8):932-937.Akinrotimi O.A; Ansa E.J; Owhonda K.N; Edun O.M; Onunkwo D.N; & OparaY.(2007d).Variation in oxygen carrying capacity...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: THEOXYGEN-CARRYINGCAPACITYANDGLYCOLYTICRATESOFERYTHROCYTESFROMNEWBORNINFANTSWITHERYTHROBLASTOSISCAUSEDBYRhINCOMPATIBILITY0AbrahamAbrahamov,M.D.t+THEOXYGEN-CARRYINGCAPACITYof bloodfromtennewborninfantswitherythroblastosisdueto Rh incompatibilityand15normalnew-borninfantswa...
oxygen capacity oxygen-cardiorespirography oxygen carrier oxygen carrying capacity oxygen cathete oxygen cell oxygen-cent red radical oxygen-cente red radical oxygen closed oxygen combining power oxygen combining power of blood oxygen combustion train oxygen concentration oxygen concentrator ...
Another possibility is that the oxygen saturation of the blood could be abnormally low, either due to a low partial pressure of oxygen in the blood resulting in hypoxemia (i.e. hypoxic hypoxia), or due to a decreased oxygen carrying capacity of the blood (i.e. anemic hypoxia) (Pittm...
RESULTS Under the hypobaric and hypoxic environment, the body’s oxygen uptake capacity and oxygen utilization efficiency decreased, resulting in the body being in a state of hypoxia. Improving the oxygen affinity of red blood cells could help the body adapt to and get used to the hypobaric and...