1.a form of oxygen, O3, produced when an electric spark or ultraviolet light passes through air or oxygen, that in the upper atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing them from reaching the earth's surface, but that near the earth's surface is a harmful irritant and pollutant:...
Verb1.oxygenise- change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part; or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence: remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule)
Oxidation of a weakly electropositive (i.e., nonmetallic) element gave an acid, or a compound in which the electronegativity of oxygen predominated. 弱正电性(即非金属)元素的氧化产生酸或氧电负性占主导地位的化合物。 Oxidation of a strongly electropositive (i.e., metallic) element gave a base...
If it is possible to oxidize any of the elements in a given compound, further oxidation by oxygen can occur. For example, hydrogen sulfide, H2S, contains sulfur with an oxidation state of 2-. Because the sulfur does not exhibit its maximum oxidation state, we would expect H2S ...
Learn about oxygen and the forms it takes. Discover the properties of elemental oxygen, the O2 compound name, and the O3 compound, as well as their...
What is the atomic number of an element with 9 protons and 10 electrons? Si a. Is this an atom, molecule, or compound? b. What is the name of it? c. How many of each sub-atomic particles does it have? Protons ___, Neutrons...
vchange (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part; or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence: remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule) vdehydrogenate with oxygen ...
An atom’s valence is its ability to combine. An element’s valency expresses the number of bonds that an atom can form as a component of a compound. Oxygen has an electron count of eight. As a result, the electronic configuration of oxygen is 2,6. ...
Oxygen is also the name of the molecular compound O2, also known as dioxygen, formed from two covalently linked oxygen atoms with a spin triplet electron configuration. Overview Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass, after hydrogen and helium, and the most abundant ...
an element, a gas without taste, colour or smell, forming part of the air. He died from lack of oxygen.oxígenooxygen mask a mask through which a person can breathe oxygen. mascarilla de oxígeno Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. oxygen→ oxígeno...