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The central work of one of the West's greatest philosophers, of Plato is a masterpiece of insight and feeling, the finest of the Socratic dialogues, and one of the great books of Western culture. This new translation captures the dramatic realism, poetic beauty, intellectual vitality, and ...
Republic (Oxford Worlds Classics) ¥70.00 运费:¥ 5.00-30.00 库存:2 件 立即购买 支付: 微信支付银行卡支付宝 商品详情 Republic (Oxford Worlds Classics) Plato (作者), Robin Waterfield (编者) Publisher: OUP Oxford (2008/4/17) Series Title: Oxford World's Classics...
The idea that Xenophon’s Socratic dialogues entirely lacked the philosophical bite or intellectual depth of Plato’s had become a commonplace in a philosophical discourse which prioritised abstract knowledge over broader ethics. Dr Carol Atack makes the case for Xenophon’s kinder Socrates. Read More...
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This excellent and accessible work includes many major texts in translation: Aristotle's Poetics, Longinus' On Sublimity, Horace's Art of Poetry, Tacitus' Dialogues, and extracts from Plato and Plutarch. Based on the highly praised Ancient Literary Criticism (OUP, 1972), it contains a new intro...
作者:Plato出品人:页数:208译者:出版时间:2009-02-26价格:GBP 7.99装帧:Paperbackisbn号码:9780199552559丛书系列:图书标签: Selected Myths (Oxford World's Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 'Once upon a time there were just the gods; mortal beings did not yet exist.' We are used to ...
Find more forthcoming articles... Feedback Theophrastus of Eresus (372/1–282/1) came from the island of Lesbos (near Turkey) and was originally named Tyrtamus. Like many young men he was drawn to the metropolitan center of philosophical thought, Athens, and he studied briefly with Plato,...
Antisthenes differed from Plato on the theory of Forms, which Antisthenes rejected as unreal; the value of reading Homeric poetry, from which Antisthenes derived serious ethical truth; and the way that philosophically authoritative statements were true. According to a Hellenistic anecdote devised to ...
Plato9.5 我要写书评 The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci (Oxford World's Classics)的书评 ···(全部 45 条) 热门只看本版本的评论 CKLG2007-01-27 17:33:15生活·读书·新知三联书店1998版 推荐几个相关网站 http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/microsites/1384_leonardo/forster_codicess/notebooks/...