澳洲 新西兰 搜索 扫一扫下载 首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Social Policy 社会政策 学位类型: 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:University of Oxford (牛津大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
2022 Fall 过去三年的三年牛津大学 University of Oxford 硕士项目的底层录取数据都在这里。牛津大学开设的 243 个硕士项目里,从整体的申请人数等基础底层数据,到中国学生的申请和录取人数、录取率,我们都经过梳理,公开透明地展现给你。我们制作了这样的一些表格,你可以从这些表格里,找到👇以下这些问题的答案,...
Duncan Gallie,Editors, ,Resisting Marginalization. Unemployment Experience and Social Policy in the European Union (2004) Oxford University Press,Oxford et New York (291 p.).Graves' ophthalmopathyexophthalmosorbital surgeryorbital decompressionIn the Quantum theory the wave functions form a full and ...
学制1年,£28,040 · Department of Social Policy and Intervention 比较社会政策 Comparative Social Policy MSc 截止日期:2020.1.24、2020.3.03 学制1年,£26,405 循证社会干预与政策评价 Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation MSc 截止日期:2020.1.24、2020.3.03 学制1年,£26,405 ·...
语言成绩:IELTS 7.5 软背景经历:专业相关学术研究、UCLA学术项目、数学建模大赛、模联、证券实习等 研...
Over the past three decades, the university’s elite reputation has made it a target for grievances about Britain’s lack of social mobility. Both Oxford and Cambridge came under pressure to stop favouring private-school applicants, who tend to come from rich families, and to admit more state...
牛津大学裘槎奖学金(University of Oxford Croucher Scholarships) 裘槎奖学金是英国G5「牛津大学」和香港裘槎基金会(Croucher Foundation)联合提供的奖学金,资助从事自然科学、科技和医学相关的博士研究。这个奖学金为期三年,每年有2个名额,申请人必须是香港永久居民。
2025-2026 Weidenfeld and Hoffman Scholarship and Leadership Programme is open to students from selected countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The scholarships are towards a Masters Degree in eligible fields of study offered at University of Oxfor
000 Oxford books in 20 subject areas covering the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law, providing quick and easy access to award-winning Oxford University Press scholarship.- Social WorkThe award-winning social work list at Oxford reflects the wide range of the field and the...
Students in the 13-24 course age groups will be staying in University accommodation and so, can expect to do a lot of walking between buildings for lessons, tutorials, seminars, and activities. Your rest will be needed! To get a better idea of what a typical day may look like, please ...