通过Kipper一家日常生活中一个个引人入胜的幽默、有趣故事为题材,轻松引导小朋友投入英文阅读中。 牛津阅读树的体系非常庞杂,众多系列中最受欢迎的、同时也是最适合家庭英文启蒙的,是Oxford reading tree read at home,也就是“Read With Biff,Chip&Kipper”系列。 这套书火到各大论坛,各大公众号的推送都时常出...
while acquiring key academic vocabulary from the Academic Word List. Each unit in Inside Reading features two high-interest reading texts from an academic content area, reading skills relevant to the academic lesson, and targeted words from the Academic Word ListUniversity of Oxford...
UCL MA Material and Visual Culture,曼大的MA Visual Anthropology,牛津的VMMA,以及Goldsmiths,University of London的MA Visual Anthropology,其实都有一些相似性,也有所差异。而我之所以去了解牛津这个项目,正是来源于我有把这些同类项目(对于项目,我会把一个学科下某个次领域的项目当作同类项目)进行横向对比的习惯。
Oxford Reading for Comprehension Decodables TheOxford Wordlistaligned toLetters and Soundsinforms Oxford University Press’ local Primary publishing and is an integral feature in our new reading programOxford Reading for Comprehension Decodables. Use theOxford Wordlistwith students to introduce and practice...
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As the above video points out, the design is in fact based on a mathematical rule studied by Stephen Wolfram, an Oxford alumnus, much to the dismay of rival university Cambridge. Though the firm’s website still references Conway, a Senior Architectural Designer at Atkins, Quintin Doyle, has...
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