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Topics Computersa2 Oxford Collocations DictionaryJoin us Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press!(slang) a person who uses illegal drugs Oxford Collocations DictionarySee user in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee user in the...
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The neuropsychology of anxiety: An enquiry into the function of the septo-hippocampal system: Oxford university press; . Anxiolytic action on the behaviour... Precis of the neuropsychology of anxiety: an enquiry into the functions of the septo-hippocampal system . Behav. Brain Sci. 5 , 469–53...
Burnet's Platonis Opera. Vol. V - Platonis Opera, recognouit breuique adnotatione critica instruxit Joannes Burnet. Tomus V. Tetralogiam ix, Definitiones et Spuria continens. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907. 7×5. Pp. x + 598 (?). Cloth 8s. ...
Kamal Matinuddin. The Taliban Phenomenon: Afghanistan-1994-1997. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pages: 222Byline: Ms. Tehseena Usman Kamal Matinuddin is a famous name in the writings on regional security problems. The book under review is another addi...
Cambridge Univ Press 相似文献Statesmen, Scholars and Merchants: essays in Eighteenth Century History presented to Dame Lucy Sutherland. Edited by Anne Whiteman, J. S. Bromley and P. M... Statesmen, Scholars and Merchants: essays in Eighteenth Century History presented to Dame Lucy Sutherland. Edi...
Cambridge Univ Press 相似文献Decline in Cases of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Presenting to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia after Introduction of a Pentavalent Rotavirus Vaccine A pentavalent rotavirus vaccine for infants became available in the United States in February 2006. By 2007, vaccination rat...
英语翻译This passage selected from are taken from ,edited by David Nichol Smith and published by Oxford at Clarendon Press in 1926.KNOW THEN THYSELFKnow then thyself,presume not God to scan;The proper study of Mankind is Man.Pla'cd on this Isthmu