U. University UCLA University of California at Los Angeles UHF ultra-high frequency UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ukr. Ukrainian unacc. unaccompanied unattrib. unattributed UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF United Nations International ...
he established his musical capability and ended up being president of the university music society. Throughout the First World War, he was one of the hundreds of thousands to lose his life in the Fight of the Somme, after which The Banks of Green Willow came to be embraced, unofficially,...
(5)"Fam'd Handel breathing, tho' transformed to stone": the Composer as Monument", 发表于《Journal of the American Musicological Society》第55卷第1期 这篇具有开创性的论文探讨了作曲家亨德尔如何在18世纪英国被塑造成一个文化纪念碑。导师分析了亨德尔的音乐、肖像、传记和公共形象,揭示了这位作曲家如何...
music educationmusic technologysikh music theoryThis review provides a summary and discussion of the Music Literacy strand (day 1) of the Society for Music Analysis's OxMAC conference (University of Oxford, July 2023). The review highlights how the ever-expanding range of musics currently studied...
TheGrove Music Onlineprogram at Oxford University Press has an editorial board of five distinguished scholars who guide the long-term development ofGrove, an advisory panel of representatives from eight societies devoted to music scholarship, and a team of major project editors who oversee the product...
Oxford Academia serves as a springboard for students personally and academically, setting them on a course for success in university and beyond. Students pursue their interests, work with inspiring professionals, gain insight into future academic and career paths, and come away with the confidence an...
Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. For the quality and impact of its research, which extends from the study of the formation of the Universe and the development of early civilisations to high-performance computing and the latest medical breakthroughs, it has few peers...
在2021的卓越研究框架(REF)中,格拉斯哥大学教育学院90%的研究被评估为“世界领先”或“国际优秀”。而在2021年完整大学指南(Complete University Guide 2021)中,格拉斯哥在英国教育方面排名第一。 专业: MSc Educational Studies /教育研究 申请要求: 英国本科:至少 2:1学位 ; ...
abbr. Oxford University Dramatic Society牛津大学戏剧协会; 学习怎么用 权威例句 Several Stìgmaeid mites formerly included in Mediolata redescribed in Zetzella Ouds, and Agistemus, new genus (Âcarina). Phoretic association of Neoseius novus (Ouds., 1902) (Acari: Uropodina) with Nicrophorus spp...
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