We have learned from university academics that school-leavers with a good grounding in pure maths are better prepared for university – because they are ready to apply their knowledge in a variety of different disciplines and choose a preferred specialism. All of our Mathematics qualifications are r...
Summary Start planning GCSEs! Compulsory: Science, Maths, English. Choose 9 subjects based on interests, school options, future plans. Changes since 2015, fewer exams, choose wisely. Get ahead with our summer courses. Get Our Newsletter We deliver helpful tips, tutorials and thought-provoking ...
A quick search to find and compare the figures for young people taking STEM subjects at further and higher education paints a somewhat ambiguous picture. On the one hand, the DfE suggests record numbers of young people are being accepted onto STEM undergraduate courses1; significantly up from sim...
Whatever your long-term goals, our Supercurricular department will help you achieve them. You’ll benefit from tailored experiences, courses, and awards that will help you stand out on your university application. Giving you the edge Location, location, location ...
【院校介绍】Oxford,全称:University of Oxford,牛津大学,英国G5,QS世界排名#5 University of Oxford MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance 牛津大学数学与计算机金融硕士专业介绍 【查询网址】http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/members/students/postgraduate-courses/msc-mcf ...
https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/members/students/postgraduate-courses/msc-mcf/mscmcf-course-components ►师资力量: https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/groups/mathematical-finance 这个项目的教授都是该research group的教授轮流教,每年的教授都不太一样。教授里面比较有名的是: ...
University style subjects to challenge your ideas Engaging expert tutors from some of the world's best academic centres Access to our online preparation programme, Oxford Summer Courses Foundations (OxFo) to ensure you can make the most of your in-person course ...
factors including the tuition fee freeze, rising inflation and increases in staff pay and pension contributions, and also on the fact that the courses earmarked for closure were not attracting enough students “to enable them to make the necessary contribution to the university’s overall finances”...
I have been happy with the staff and tutors, It has taken me to the great age of 77 years to accomplish my goal and I will continue to study excellent courses. I will be 80 years young in 2021. I visited Oxford University in 2016 and was inspired to continue to work my way to ...
MSc, Learning and Teaching PGCE Mathematics BSc Mathematics Dr. Pushpalata Chaure Head of Science PhD, Molecular Genetics MSc Biochemistry BSc Chemistry Xi Chen Head of Maths Join a club or society Find out more browse by media type...