3 马尔科姆·X在牛津大学的辩论演讲(3)(Debates at the Oxford University Union) 5535 2016-10 4 罗伯特·肯尼迪, Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1万 2016-09 5 20世纪美国百大经典演讲 | 理查德·米尔豪斯·尼克松, 我的真实故事(跳棋演讲) ...
所属专辑:英语演讲经典荟萃(干货附文稿) 音频列表 1 马尔科姆·X在牛津大学的辩论演讲(2)(Debates at the Oxford University Union) 6135 2016-10 2 马尔科姆·X在牛津大学的辩论演讲(3)(Debates at the Oxford University Union) 5535 2016-10 3
GOP Debates Should Take Tips from the Oxford UnionWARWICK, England - When it comes to debates the Oxford Union,which bills itself as the "world's...Thomas, Cal
It also provides an overview of social protection policies and programs around the world paying particular attention to the European Union and Latin America. The role of universal basic income initiatives, pensions, and employment in government welfare are also discussed, and the contribution of the ...
In a comment toCherwell, The Oxford Union stated: “The Union offers unique opportunities to its members, which range from meeting world leaders, to partaking in our debates, and joining us in our social events. The University’s compliance policy indicates that ‘free speech is the lifeblood ...
The dismal record of climate negotiations, Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, the great Tohoku earthquake and melt down at Fukushimi Dai Ichi, and the crisis of people fleeing Syria and seeking shelter in the European Union are consistent with the dismal view of societal vulnerability shared by ...
occupation of Afghanistan, two women – Gulnaz, raped and impregnated by her uncle, and Farida, on the run from an abusive husband – are imprisoned on charges of “moral crimes” by an Afghan justice system that is supported by billions of dollars of aid money from the European Union. ...
The union of the two was an inheritance from Theocritus which Virgil passed on to the West, particularly through Renaissance imitators like Mantuan and especially Sannazaro; although Arcadia is mentioned only rarely in the poems (7.4, 26, 10.31, 33; cf. 4.58–59, 10.26) and its significance...
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Malcolm debates in favor of the motion that "extremism in defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice no virtue. 2016-10回复赞 延陵子文 主持人首先介绍:It is great pleasure that I call upon Mr. Malcolm X to speak in favor of the motion. 2016-10回复赞 听友62...