1、课程资源 视频哔哩哔哩 【牛津大学】固态物理学基础(完结·中英字幕·机翻·人工校对中)_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili2、目录 一、不考虑微观结构的固体物理学:固态的早期 二、材料结构 三、一维固…
16:58 The Oxford Solid State Basics Lecture 20(上) 17:06 The Oxford Solid State Basics Lecture 20(中) 16:54 The Oxford Solid State Basics Lecture 20(下) 18:17 The Oxford Solid State Basics Lecture 21(上) 18:18 The Oxford Solid State Basics Lecture 21(中) 18:16 The Oxford Solid St...
每个原子每摩尔C=3kB每个原子,C=3R每摩尔,但该规律并不总是是正确的。在常温常压下,铝,铜,金的热容分别是2.91,2.94,3.05C/R,但钻石的热容就是0.735C/R,但随着温度的升高,钻石的热容也会接近上述公式的值。 1896年玻尔兹曼通过将固体中的原子考虑成在平衡位置振动的谐振子,而计算出了上述公式的结果。
The Oxford Solid State Basics Lecture 20(上) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL64fZsc8IYkVkb4Uf0esPJ5GUq6g0Og9s 配套教材是the oxford solid state basics。
TheOxfordsolidstatebasics-GBVThe Oxford Solid State Basics Steven H. Simon University of Oxford OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents 1 About Condensed Matter Physics 1 1.1 What Is Condensed Matter Physics 1 1.2 Why Do We Study Condensed Matter Physics? 1 1.3 Why Solid State Physics? 3...
The study of solids is one of the richest, most exciting, and most successful branches of physics. While the subject of solid state physics is often viewed as dry and tedious this new book presents the topic instead as an exciting exposition of fundamental principles and great intellectual break...
The study of solids is one of the richest, most exciting, and most successful branches of physics. While the subject of solid state physics is often viewed as dry and tedious this new book presents the topic instead as an exciting exposition of fundamental principles and great intellectual break...
12月前 1031观看切换选集 牛津大学 固体基础 大学课程 / 物理化学 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL64fZsc8IYkVkb4Uf0esPJ5GUq6g0Og9s 配套教材是the oxford solid state basics。 共63集7.3万人观看
本文是根据Solid State Basics (Steven H Simon, Oxford)和配套教学参考资料整理的个人学习记录。视频参见BV1QW411u736,参考资料参见评论区,感谢up主ZeroHertz的搬运分享~ 我不是物理专业,知识基础还很匮乏。之前有听过一些固体物理课程,比较感兴趣,但学的不好,希望能通过网络学习进一步了解。初次尝试写学习记录,主要...